If I had taken any notice of the reviews then I should certainly not have parted with £12 for a cinema ticket to see this film. Based on the play by Alan Bennett, this slow, intentional and warm the film explores age and care and human nature in the face of pandemic, NHS resources and […]
Poetry and Dementia
Posted on by James Woodward
Poetry and Dementia: A Practical Guide John Killick Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2017 ISBN: 9781785921766 £16.99 I wonder what your relationship to poetry is? I have met some people that simply do not get this way of expression; others who simply haven’t got the time or the inclination to attend very closely to the […]
Visiting the Memory Café ; Embracing better Dementia Care
Posted on by James Woodward
Visiting the Memory Café and other Dementia Care Activities Evidence-based Interventions for Care Homes Edited by Caroline Baker and Jason Corrigan-Charlesworth. Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2017, ISBN: 9781785922527 £16.99 They can be few families who are not affected by an individual who is engaging with some degree of significant memory loss. For some the prospect of […]
Living with Dementia :People rarely remember what we said but often don’t forget how we made them feel.
Posted on by James Woodward
First published in the Salisbury Journal 2 February 2017 At Sarum College we are interested in engaging with and reflecting on what makes for human flourishing. You will have a sense of what it is that helps you to live what inspires your enthusiasm for life. Being able to remember is one of those dimensions […]
Positive Psychology Approaches to Dementia
Posted on by James Woodward
Positive Psychology Approaches to Dementia Edited by Chris Clarke and Emma Wolverson. Paperback 2016, 288pp ISBN: 978-1-84905-610-6 £24.99 This is a surprising book in so far as it, at first glance, appears to be a technical collection of essays written by experts in the field of dementia and psychology. It makes a distinctive contribution to […]
Improving our understanding of Dementia ?
Posted on by James Woodward
I am gathering together a small collection of books all published by Jessica Kingsley who is certainly one of the most innovative and ground-breaking publishers working in this field. Their list covering a range of books on dementia is well worth examining. ( www.jkp.com ) These first two books handle at first hand the […]
Dementia ‘losing out’ to cancer in funding stakes
Posted on by James Woodward
Dementia ‘losing out’ to cancer in funding stakes Each dementia patient costs the economy £27,647 each year Dementia now costs the UK economy twice as much as cancer but gets a fraction of the funding to find causes and cures, a report seen by the BBC shows. For every one pound spent on dementia research, […]