Henry Moore’s rise from Yorkshire miner’s son to international acclaim as the twentieth century’s greatest sculptor is one of the most remarkable stories in British art. In this revised, updated, expanded and redesigned new edition of The Life of Henry Moore, Roger Berthoud charts Moore’s transition from controversial young modernist to pillar of the […]
The women who make it possible
Posted on by James Woodward
As someone who has always admired and liked Sarah Brown – for the dignity she showed through the death of a child and her self-respect whilst her husband was under attack from just about everybody on an almost daily basis – I was looking forward to reading this book. The title was fascinating. What was […]
Posted on by James Woodward
From the Preface by the Archbishop of Canterbury Humility indeed happens when we’re not looking. And that means that we have to learn where to look if we want to grow into the truth. We must look into the purpose, the mission, of God and allow ourselves to be taken up into the terror and […]
Power and Influence?
Posted on by James Woodward
This rates very high amongst the endless pages of political memoirs produced in recent months….. Taking Machiavelli first, Powell marshals voices from Napoleon to Isaiah Berlin to remind us what an extraordinary work Machiavelli’s The Prince is. It grapples with the political arts in states made up of real people, as opposed to peddling high […]
Holiday Reading
Posted on by James Woodward
One of our wittiest political commentators, Simon Hoggart shares some of his funniest memories in these hilarious memoirs A Long Lunch. What really happened at the Lady Chatterley trial? What exactly did Enoch Powell say to Bill Haley? And just why did John Sergeant drive a flight attendant to fury? We discover the answers to […]
The Legacy of Brown?
Posted on by James Woodward
I think that one of my New Year resolutions will be to give up reading more news, views and reflections on what did or did not happen to the Blair/ Brown partnership during the New Labour Regime! I made an exception with Richards book as he is one of the few political commentators who I beleive offers […]
Posted on by James Woodward
often it is the only thing between you and impossibility. no drink, no woman’s love, no wealth can match it. nothing can save you except writing. it keeps the walls from failing. the hordes from closing in. it blasts the darkness. writing is the ultimate psychiatrist, the kindliest god of all the gods. […]
Chris Mullin Decline and Fall Diaries 2005-2010
Posted on by James Woodward
Chris Mullin, the amiable backbencher and sometime junior minister, does not appear in the index of Tony Blair’s memoir, A Journey. He is not in the index of The Third Man, Peter Mandelson’s insider’s tale, nor that of Alastair Campbell’s The Blair Years. To the talent at the top, Mullin was simply a vote and […]
Valuing Age
Posted on by James Woodward
Selling books is no easy work these days and authors need all the help we can get…… I am glad to give some space to this review by Helen Cameron of Ripon College Cuddesdon. WOODWARD, James. 2008. Valuing Ageing: Pastoral Ministry with Older People. London: SPCK. Pbk. 192pp. ISBN: 9780281057795. £12.99. Reviewed by: Helen Cameron, […]
Holiday reading – part two!
Posted on by James Woodward
This is my favourite holiday reads this August picked up quite by accident when I was trying to spend a book token in waterstones – taking advantage of their three for two offer! You remember the feeling – you land your hands on two books you think you want and cannot find a third! I […]
The skill of Piper
Posted on by James Woodward
This is a wonderful book – the first comprehensive account of the life and work of John Piper, including many of the overlooked tributaries into which his creativity overflowed. It contains in-depth research into all the major commissions within John Piper’s lengthy career, plus much new information on his work in print-making, stained glass, illustration, […]
Bothered and Bewildered
Posted on by James Woodward
When we are bothered and bewildered it is doubly important that our thinking and reflecting are courageous and honest. And in particular it is necessary to avoid two ‘quasi’ intellectual habits: The assumption that it is possible to impose solutions on people as a method of rekindling hope. Virtuous behaviour cannot be enforced. Whilst people […]
Why do people leave the Church?
Posted on by James Woodward
I first met Michael Goulder when I was working as a Hospital Chaplain in Birmingham. He was a wonderful and inspiring teacher – I was aware that he had left the Church but unsure quite of the reasons. I was glad to come across his memoirs and in it he sums up his decision: I […]
Between remembering and forgetting?
Posted on by James Woodward
The process of writing and production is a fascinating one – but always exciting! Here is a preview of the cover – more reflections to follow!
The making of Modern Britain
Posted on by James Woodward
The onset of a head cold from hell caused a frustrating retreat and between a streaming nose and eyes gave me a chance to read a Christmas present. I am a great fan of Marr whose writing is engaging and energetic! Andrew Marr wrote this history of Britain, subtitled “From Queen Victoria to […]
Posted on by James Woodward
Melvyn Bragg 12 Books that Changed the World (Hodder 2006) What do we think about when we consider the great events of the history of the world? War, revolution, political upheaval or natural catastrophe? Bragg shows us that there have been other places where great things have taken place – between the pages of a […]
HM Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother
Posted on by James Woodward
I take some pride in the fairly challenging task of having read all 1100 page of this seven year research project! Good to learn more about Windsor from a slightly different perspective…. In 2002, Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother’s coffin lay in state in Westminster Hall after her death at the age of 101: for […]
The Music Room by Willaim Fiennes
Posted on by James Woodward
An ice bound Wales gave me every opportunity to dip into the bookshelves are here is one gem that is an exceptional read! The Music Room is, at one level, a portrait of Fiennes’s broad-moated house, the source of his belonging, and his upbringing there until the age of 17 when he leaves to teach […]
Listen to Older People!
Posted on by James Woodward
Robert C Atchley, Spirituality and Aging, John Hopkins University Press 2009 – This book is a reminder that sometimes wisdom is reserved for those who have had a lifetime of listening, study and reflection. This mature book is a compendium of wide-ranging research that processes two decades of interviews, observations and study to explore […]