Belief and Ageing Spiritual pathways in later life Peter G. Coleman (Editor) Paperback, 192 pages Policy Press Bristol 2011 ISBN 9781847424594 2011 Most of the books on my shelves about religion and ageing are written out of the United States of America. There are many individuals and groups who are investing resources in research […]
Moral Medicine?
Posted on by James Woodward
On Moral Medicine: Theological Perspectives in Medical Ethics Edited by M. Therese Lysaught and Joseph J. Cotva Jr. With Stephen E. Lammers and Allen Verhey Publisher: Erdmans Michigan 3rd Edition 2012, 1,162 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8028-6601-1 no price marked This book has been an important resource for those teaching and learning about bio-ethics. This […]
A radical rethink on health care – Church Times Review
Posted on by James Woodward
Remodelling Medicine Jeremy Swayne Saltire Books £39.98 (978-1-908127-00-6) THERE are consultations in UK general practice every day. Many of us will be grateful for our doctor’s skill and humanity in diagnosis and treatment. As patients, we present an extraordinary mixture of symptoms, which are shaped by many factors, not least our religious lives and […]
What makes a great politician?
Posted on by James Woodward
Disraeli, or The Two Lives Douglas Hurd and Edward Young Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2013 £20 Friends will know of my mild obsession with post second world ward political biographies and autobiographies. They are a strange and mildly unsatisfying genre with few jewels on the shelves. It is difficult to write a life that is completely […]
Moving Theory into Practice?
Posted on by James Woodward
Transitions and the Lifecourse Challenging the Constructions of ‘Growing Old’ Amanda Grenier 256 pages, pbk £26.99, Policy Press Bristol- (Ageing and the Lifecourse Series) 2012, ISBN 978 1 84742 691 8. Most of us in middle age have the experience of living with the experience of our ageing parents. They can force us to […]
Learning about Loss – Book review
Posted on by James Woodward
The Essential Guide to Life After Bereavement Beyond Tomorrow Judy Carole Kauffmann and Mary Jordan Paperback: £12.99 Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2013, 176pp ISBN: 978-1-84905-335-8. In pastoral ministry there are many encounters that remain in the memory of the pastor. These find their way to speak about human resilience, our encounter with pain, the […]
In Praise of …..
Posted on by James Woodward
The essay was originally published in 1933. The English translation was published in 1977. Much shorter than the author’s novels, this book is a small meditative work of 73 pages, of which 59 are the essay itself. The essay consists of 16 sections that discuss traditional Japanese aesthetics in contrast with change. Comparisons of […]
Home, sweet Home!
Posted on by James Woodward
This is a very good book! We know our homes and make choices in relation to them but this book will change how you think about almost every aspect of your home! “Our houses and homes,” Heathcote writes, “no matter what style they are realised in, no matter how modest or seemingly ill-considered their architecture, […]
History from a different angle!
Posted on by James Woodward
Serving Victoria: Life in the Royal Household by Kate Hubbard A walk from the shops in Windsor into the Castle and my home in The Cloisters always takes one past a statue of Queen Victoria. Perhaps it is the most foolish of historians that can ever take their reader backwards to understand the world of the […]
Cosmo Lang
Posted on by James Woodward
Cosmo Gordon Lang: Archbishop in War and Crisis Robert Beaken (I B Tauris, £25), This was a hasty buy helped by a book token that I had been trying to use for ages and (frankly) a rather interesting set of photographs! I was not disappointed…. It has gained a little publicity in relation to the role […]
Wise Self Reflection?
Posted on by James Woodward
Everybody matters– how do we live up to those words.? That precept is not only the title of Mary Robinson’s autobiography, but also the core conviction that has guided virtually every step of her life on the world stage. By any measure, Mary Robinson is a remarkable public servant and humanitarian. She was the first woman president […]
Remixing The Church
Posted on by James Woodward
Doug Gay, Remixing The Church: Towards an Emerging Ecclesiology, London (SCM Press) 2011, 133 pp., ISBN 9780334043966, £17.99 There can be little doubt that church attendance is in decline and over the past two decades in the UK significant resources have been invested in attempts to reverse this steady loss of people and indeed […]
Writing your life honestly?
Posted on by James Woodward
The autobiography of Jack Straw – an MP for thirty-three years and at the heart of government throughout the longest-serving Labour administration in history As a small boy in Epping Forest, Jack Straw could never have imagined that one day he would become Britain’s Lord Chancellor. As one of five children of divorced parents, he […]
The Elizabethans
Posted on by James Woodward
I don’t know what you take away on holiday to read – if anything at all? I enjoy a bit of politics (more of that later) and always at some history.I have had Wilsons the Elizabethans on the shelf for some time and it was one of those books that I had picked up but […]
Christian theology in Practice
Posted on by James Woodward
Christian Theology in Practice Discovering a Discipline Bonnie J. Miller –McLemore Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Michigan 2012 I have had a rather frustrating time of late due, in part, to a paucity of stimulating reading in the area of the theory of pastoral and practical theology. Most of the […]
Go with the Flow
Posted on by James Woodward
It was a pleasure to travel up to London last night to Downing Street for a Reception, hosted by Samantha Cameron, in support of Maggie’s and by way of launching Gemma Levine’s ‘Go with the Flow’. It is, of course, always interesting to step inside and see something of a famous building but more interesting […]
William Rees-Mogg
Posted on by James Woodward
William Rees-Mogg is one of the pivotal figures of post-war Britain. In this memoir he recounts the story of a colourful life, and reflects on the key figures and events of his time. As editor of The Times (his glory years), journalist, commentator, Chairman of the Arts Council, and, later, Chairman of the Broadcasting […]
UnMasking Age
Posted on by James Woodward
Unmasking Age: The significance of age for social research Social Research Bill Bytheway Policy Press 2011 When the history of social gerontology is written, the chapter devoted to the contribution of individual researchers to the field, will certainly feature Bill Bytheway. This book is a brilliant overview of age. It is readable, stimulating and […]
My favourite libraries – The Harper Library in the University of Chicago
Posted on by James Woodward
60 000 books People Space wide tables Comfortable chairs to sleep serious reading space!
Holiday Books – A Walk on Part by Chris Mullin
Posted on by James Woodward
Yes Minister meets Alan Clark. This third and final volume of Chris Mullin’s acclaimed diaries begins on the night John Smith died in May 1994, and continues until the moment of Mullin’s assumption into government in July 1999. Together with the bestselling “A View from the Foothills” and “Decline and Fall”, the complete trilogy covers […]