What a genial looking chap - though I understand from his biographer that he was a complete rascal ! I spent a morning in Oak Park exploring the u
The Cambrian Academy
Posted on by James Woodward
Those regular visitors to my weblog will know of my interest and enthusiasm in and for Art. A correspondent friend of mine reminded me of h
In Praise of…..
Posted on by James Woodward
Kyffin Williams
Born on Anglesey, Sir Kyffin Williams is probably one of the most famous of all Welsh painters. Educated at the Slade School of Ar
Marc Chagall
Posted on by James Woodward
On my living room wall above the study in Temple House I have some lithograph reproductions of four biblical scenes by Marc Chagall. These were produc
Painting the Ordinary
Posted on by James Woodward
In the Art Institute of Chicago there is the largest collection of French Impressionist paintings outside France. I spend some time getting to know th
Painted Glass
Posted on by James Woodward
You might remember my writing about Washington National Cathedral last month. I was reminded of a funny conversation that I overheard. I should say th
St James’ Cathedral Chicago
Posted on by James Woodward
Woken early by the extraordinary amount of rain falling from the sky - and three hours later it is still coming down. I thought it was supposed to be
Cloud Gate
Posted on by James Woodward
I wrote on the 6th May about the Millennium Park in Chicago. Its highlight for me and many others is this sculpture by British Artist Anish Kapoor -
Lunch in Marshall, Field and Co (MACY’s)
Posted on by James Woodward
I have been waiting to catch up with Sam, an Episcopalian priest friend, and we decide on lunch in the large department store in the centre of town -
The Art Institute of Chicago
Posted on by James Woodward
Not quite the full picture of this spacious building but an impression for virtual visitors - you could, of course, visit the web site and never mo
Color as Field – American Painting from 1950 to 1975
Posted on by James Woodward
A decision to escape the activity of a community for a more solitary pursuit paid great dividends today in the shape of the discovery of Color
Earth Day
Posted on by James Woodward
On Sunday morning I travelled to Washington National Cathedral ( ee 9th of April) for the Morning Eucharist at 11am. I would have guessed at 2,500
Creative Ageing and learning new tricks!!
Posted on by James Woodward
Be careful - learners around here!
They are a hospitable, open, positive and friendly lot the Americans that I have had the joy of meeting so far
Washington National Cathedral
Posted on by James Woodward
This building took nearly ninety years to construct - and the picture hardly does justice to the experience of its vast sense of space and beauty
In Praise of
Posted on by James Woodward
Art. Knowledge of the world is derived by observation, experimentation and rational analysis. Science, for many, is the best methodology for determini