In this reflection I share the surprise of joy I experienced within a moment of spiritual awareness at an Easter Vigil. This forms part of a conviction that Easter Christians always entertain the possibility of joy when being open to the new. It is Easter morning 1984. I have journeyed through part of Lent and […]
A healthy and moderate contribution to debate
Posted on by James Woodward
The Bishop of Liverpool is to be congratulated for his moderate and heartfelt plea to get some of the Churches disagreements into a wiser perspective. See this report from the Diocese of Liverpools web page – and all the better coming from an evangelical! Perhaps this image of reconciliation might challenges us? The Bishop of […]
In Praise of Anglicanism
Posted on by James Woodward
The Church of England has taken a pounding from critics, but Rowan Williams has reasons to be cheerful as Christmas approaches, says a leading Anglican historian and commentator,Diarmaid MacCulloch ( printed in the The Observer Sunday 20 December 2009) I thought this letter worth pondering? Dear Archbishop Rowan, Even though I’m not sending Christmas cards […]
Isaac Watts
Posted on by James Woodward
Isaac Watts – (1674-1748), English hymn writer Watts was born July 17, 1674 at Southampton, England, the eldest of nine children. His father was a Dissenter from the Anglican Church and on at least one occasion was thrown in jail for not following the Church of England. Isaac followed his father’s strongly biblical faith. Isaac was […]
A new Bishop?
Posted on by James Woodward
From the Guardian Diary page…… At this, the beginning of our week, let us give thanks for the elevation of the Reverend Donald Allister. Who is he, you ask? So did we. But last week, rather quietly, he was unveiled by Downing Street as the new Bishop of Peterborough. Whole new ball game now. National press, […]
Charles Simeon
Posted on by James Woodward
Charles Simeon was born on September 24, 1759. He attended school at Eton and enrolled at King’s College, Cambridge, in 1779. Although baptized as an infant, his family was not particularly religious and neither was Charles, until an experience during his first few months at university. All Cambridge students were required to receive communion […]
What future for Anglicanism?
Posted on by James Woodward
I am no scholar of Church history or skilled commentator on the Church. The conversations that continue over the recent action of Rome offering a ‘home’ to Anglicans remain divisive and distracting. While fellow priests consider their position, spent inordinate amounts of time on the internert making judgements about other positions the Church is damaged […]
Rome and Canterbury
Posted on by James Woodward
I am, of course, not alone in feeling dismayed by the recent announcement by our sister church, Rome, about the deal to offer Anglican a way into a move to Rome. It feels like an act of aggression at worst – at best, a rather predatory move. It leaves me with al kinds of questions: Will Anglicans […]