Do you like yourself? If you could change something about little old you what would it be? What bits of you do you find it hard to accept? Do we understand why we feel unhappy, angry, discontented? Look into that famous mirror and what looks back?
We are fearfully and wonderfully made
The Psalm today should be pondered more often. God knows us and loves us. God knows us so that God can save us. God doesn’t have an intimate knowledge of every fibre of our being so that he can take note of all our sins, but so that God can heal it.
We are fearfully and wonderfully made
Instead of beating ourselves up for our flaws and failings and weaknesses look at yourself and know would a work of art you are – God’s work of art- full of goodness and possibility for life.
We are fearfully and wonderfully made
A grand piano has 240 strings by which the most soul churning melody’s can be played. The human ear that enables that music to be heard had 240 thousand strings.
We are fearfully and wonderfully made
A TV camera has 60 000 photoelectric elements which capture an image. The human eye, functioning in any weather, has more that 137 million elements.
We are fearfully and wonderfully made
A computer can handle the equivalent of one neuron of information at a time. Your brain has as many as 200 communicating pathways meeting in a single cell or neuron. This means that in your brain there are 10,000 million neurons, each one serving as a mini computer.
We are fearfully and wonderfully made
The psalmist reminds us that we will never grow beyond giving God glory – there is endless depth and newness to discover within His Kingdom – ever more goodness and meaning to break open – food for our soul and journey. We will never get so good, our actions so routine, our abilities so refined, that there is nothing more we can do to lift the eternal wonder of Gods life up.
We are fearfully and wonderfully made
Let us delight in ourselves as beautiful creations of God fearfully and wonderfully made. Let that conviction spill over into our love of others and this extraordinary world we live in.
We are fearfully and wonderfully made