I trained for ministry alongside women during the early 1980’s at a time when they were not allowed to be ordained to the diaconate or priesthood. I remember the passion that I felt about the sheer injustice of it all – and how important it was to address the inequality. The women at Westcott House Cambridge were a very skilled and talented group and have gone on to serve the Church with faithfulness.
It should not surprise you that I am totally in favour of the Church of England removing any barriers that exist that prevent women becoming Bishops. It is absurd that we should think that there are any coherent theological reasons for this movement of inclusion. I hope that the General Synod will have the wisdom to move ahead for the sake of us all. We need women and their gifts in leadership – they should be ready to show us different ways of being Church in this complex age.
I think we underestimate the damage that we do to the work of the Gospel by our rather strange and irrelevant internal disputes. Our wisdom is revealed through our deeds. I pray that the vote today will be a resounding YES!