One Reply on “Windsor Conference on the Environment

  1. “When man has cut down the last tree, eaten the last fish, he will then discover you can’t eat money”

    Why are we in a mess? Because we are the mess. Something is desperately wrong at the inner kernel of thought.

    Individually & collectively we sacrifice people, the environment (& ultimately ourselves) on the alter of our success. Greed manifests unhindered.
    Why? To achieve success (arriving tomorrow) we compete & fight for our security. Conflict manifests out of security. True security can never be more than a wishful ‘image’. False hope.
    Our conflict & fight for elusive security, is driven by fear.

    Time’s grand illusion of perpetually ‘arriving tomorrow’ misleads us all. We harness ‘thought’ to endlessly regulate & legislate the result of its own motion, manifesting further illusion of solution and progress. We celebrate this ‘thought’ process as intelligence. I ask, is this real intelligence? Look around you and inside yourself without ‘image’ or illusory fake hope. Without dividing yourself off. It is you, it is me, it is us all. Where is our true care, our true Love, our true compassion?

    True Compassion is Love that is truly intelligent. Because ‘thought’ only legislates after the fact of its own motion (success, greed, conflict, security, fear). It will never provide the answer?

    Therefore, the real solution, our salvation, is not rooted in Time or thought? It stands outside of Time and outside of thought? Yet its potential exists within us all.
    It is rooted in Love and the finding, the blossoming of true intelligence.

    Our illusory saviour, ‘Time’ (arriving tomorrow), will eventually run out.

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