Perhaps ‘good’ Church has a few essential things in common?
1. They share a deeply incarnational view of the world, the recognition that matter is the scaffolding of spirit, the two deeply entwined; each Church knows that the commonplace, when seen with the eye of the heart, is holy, and that the
ordinary is far more extraordinary than we think.
2. Each might recognise the complex nature of truth, dislike anything that smacked of exclusiveness, and value words like ‘inclusive’, ‘speculative’ and ‘non-judgemental’.
3. Each is open to thoughtful enquiry and to a wide range of opinion, aware that truth is often to be found lurking in both extremes. Aware, too, that in every church community there will be some who are so hurt or so puzzled by life that their faith is tenuous and shaky.
4.Each is deeply human and vulnerable, for each had suffered and knew what it is like to walk in those dark shadow-Iands, and people were drawn to them because they sensed they understood and spoke the same language.
5. Each strives to be an encourager and an affirmer.
6. Each valued silence and daily set aside time for God. Each sought the Kingdom beyond the narrow confines of the church.
7. And each centred life on that taking, and giving thanks for, breaking and sharing of bread