Do you understand anybody that exists without making a list or two or even three?? I thought I would offer one by way of a little lighter read:
Here is a list of my top twenty likes –
- Coffee
- Cheap and efficient public transport
- Steak
- The American Episcopal Book of Common Prayer
- M and Ms (candy here – sweets in the UK) – the chocolate covered peanuts are best
- Pedestrian Crossings – all cars stop at the sight of a walker
- Iced Water
- Sour Cream
- French Fries and crispy bacon
- Blue Grass music
- Large Red Apples
- The Can do/Will do attitude
- The cute sayings – eg ‘Have a good day’
- Training shoes worn with anything and everything
- Skyscrapers
- Church in general
- The exchange rate
- Baseball Caps
- The accent of Black American women
- The different ways they have of cursing
There are one or two others that might have reached the list but I had better be careful!