I am busy at the moment beginning to prepare to do some scoping for a new book on theological reflection – a movement away from some of my usual topics !
Here is a starter thought:
‘Christians are not reticent about expressing their opinions such matters, and one countless others. In doing so they are assessing the adequacy of the correlated interpretations of Christian faith that they encounter. But if assessments are to be made on more than ad hoc, ill-informed, and inconsistent basis, all Christian theologians need to give thought to the standard of judgment that they apply. They need to fashion their theology as carefully as the stonemason crafted a medieval cathedral, or a woodworker crafts a fine cabinet, or a weaver crafts a fine piece of cloth. Their embedded theology and their readings and conversations with others are the raw material they work with; native intelligence and sensitivity are their talent. But it takes skill, practiced and honed over time, to make useful and adequate theology.’
How to Think Theologically by Howard W. Stone and James O. Duke
Fortress Press 1996 ( page 37)
Now there is food for thought!