and listening to the voices ……
Erich Fried
When we were the persecuted
I was one of you
How can I remain one
when you become the persecutors?
Your longing was
to become like other nations
who murdered you
Now you have become like them
You have outlived those
who were cruel to you
Does their cruelty live on
in you now?
You ordered the defeated :
‘Take off your boots’
Like the scapegoat you drove them into the wilderness
Into the great mosque of death
Whose sandals are of sand
But they did not take upon them the sin
You wished to lay on them
The imprint of their naked feet in the desert sand
Outlasts the traces of your bombs and your tanks
[ referring to the instruction given after the six day war to Egyptian prisoners to walk home through
the burning sand without boots ]
The poem is written by Erich Fried after the Six Days war in 1967. He is Jewish, born in Austria, exiled to Great Britain when the Nazis overtook the country, and because of the background of his own experiences with an extremist regime he became one of the harshest critics of Zionism – a mix of theocracy and racism. He is one of the most important post-modern poets of German language.