I find myself along with others caught up in quite absurd activity as ‘ the Christmas rush’ bears down. I discover that in this maddness I have no evenings free before Christmas and wonder how much of this is of my own making! An early flurry of snow last night took me back to my […]
Suicide of the West
Posted on by James Woodward
Do any of us know what we believe in? Perhaps all writers ought to be encouraged to be able to express their ideas in smaller and shorter books. Richard Coch and Chris Smith achieve both clarity and brevity in their book Suicide of the West (Continuum, 2006). A hundred years ago most Westerners felt tremendous […]
What shapes us for happiness?
Posted on by James Woodward
These bricks form part of the place where I live – well over 300 years old – and in need of some repair – history is fascinating. Imagine what life and change they have experienced! Andrew Marr has turned his pen to writing history A History of Modern Britain ( Macmillan 2007). The pages are […]
What shapes us for happiness?
Posted on by James Woodward
These bricks form part of the place where I live – well over 300 years old – and in need of some repair – history is fascinating. Imagine what life and change they have experienced! Andrew Marr has turned his pen to writing history A History of Modern Britain ( Macmillan 2007). The pages are […]
Autumn Colour
Posted on by James Woodward
The last two days have been glorious – sharp, blue, fine days that lift the spirits. The leaves are falling and there is a real sense of the Autumn season kicking in. I love watching what happens to trees at this time of the year and how they shed their leaves – and what colour […]
Too Old?
Posted on by James Woodward
And I thought that the Lib Dems were the nice lot in politics? All of us should take an interest in what has happened to Sir Menzies Campbell because deep down there is some shameful ageism at work. If we do not tackle it then we will suffer from the way our society views and […]
Too Old?
Posted on by James Woodward
And I thought that the Lib Dems were the nice lot in politics? All of us should take an interest in what has happened to Sir Menzies Campbell because deep down there is some shameful ageism at work. If we do not tackle it then we will suffer from the way our society views and […]
Wise Politicians?
Posted on by James Woodward
( ) Most biography falls into the danger of self justification as we attempt to explain, defend or excuse ourselves. Only the very honest or deluded dare to tell it as it is! An official biography must attempt some balance and objectivity and that can be a problem when the subjest is still alive! Kenneth […]
Wise Politicians?
Posted on by James Woodward
Most biography falls into the danger of self justification as we attempt to explain, defend or excuse ourselves. Only the very honest or deluded dare to tell it as it is! An official biography must attempt some balance and objectivity and that can be a problem when the subjest is still alive! Kenneth Morgan brings […]
Posted on by James Woodward
At a birthday lunch today I announced to a nieghbour my excitement at my Weblogging adventure. ‘ What is the point ‘ she asked – a fair challenge I decided not to rise to. I’ll try another way next time!! I went off to the cinema last weekend ( the Autumn is my film watching […]
Dealing with the loose ends of life
Posted on by James Woodward
Grain in Winter: by Donald EadieEpworth Press 1999 (ISBN 0-7162-0524-6) xv1+171pp, £7.95 pbk There has long been an association between Christianity and health. The association is an ambiguous one. While, for example, Christians were involved in hospitals for many centuries, some would argue that religion has been harmful in its approach to health and wholeness. A […]