play on – play on. It is heavy rain here in Washington and I can hear the sound of the water on the roof above me that has woken me up. I shall miss this small room that has been my home over April. The blogs have been part of my morning routine – I […]
Megachurch on a Saturday evening
Posted on by James Woodward
Megachurch is the term given (surprisingly) to a church that attracts over 2,000 people at a weekly service – they are indendepent Wvangelical churches – and in the USA there are about 50 Churches that manage to attract between 10,000 and 47,000 each Sunday. So – the statistics need converting into an experience – and […]
Successful Ageing?
Posted on by James Woodward
On the 25th of April I shared with you some random musings about age – let me try this concept which is all the rage here in the USA – successful Ageing. Close your eyes and think of an image that best captures this concept. Or perhaps you can think of a person that encapsulates […]
In praise of …
Posted on by James Woodward
Spring! This is my last weekend at VTS and I prepare to fly off to Chicago on Wednesday. I do not quite know where the month has gone – but I am full of deep gratitude to the community here for its space and hospitality. I take away many happy memories of people and conversations […]
What is he doing with all that time??
Posted on by James Woodward
Well – you may wonder and so do I!! Time passes by – sometimes we notce and sometimes we don’t. This space has given me valuable time to read and listen …. and that leads for me into writing. I have started some reflections on age for the more general reader and I thoughT that […]
Color as Field – American Painting from 1950 to 1975
Posted on by James Woodward
A decision to escape the activity of a community for a more solitary pursuit paid great dividends today in the shape of the discovery of Color Field painting. I travelled into he city to enjoy the National Portrait Gallery and its majestic space and exhibitions. Wandering is a good time to think and […]
Earth Day
Posted on by James Woodward
On Sunday morning I travelled to Washington National Cathedral ( ee 9th of April) for the Morning Eucharist at 11am. I would have guessed at 2,500 people or perhaps more – for worship that was much more than a spectator sport. The fact that I couldn’t see very much didn’t matter – it was […]
I know why the Caged Bird Sings
Posted on by James Woodward
I know why the caged bird sings, ah me, When his wing is bruised and his bosom sore, When he beats the bars and would be free; It is not a carol of joy or glee, But a prayer that he sends from his heart’s deep core But a plea, that […]
Social Injustice
Posted on by James Woodward
What makes you angry – and I do not mean just cross but really angry? What parts of the world around us should webe wanting or working to change? I am a great admirer of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and their social research that can hold a disturbing mirror up to us and the way […]
In praise of ……
Posted on by James Woodward
THE T SHIRT AND ITS SLOGAN!!! Time for a smile – (I hope). I popped into Alexandria this morning to sort out a few things – and to buy a couple of T shirts. It is very warm….. In the land of slogans here are some of my favourite ones that have found their […]
In praise of …….
Posted on by James Woodward
READING BOOKS – ESPECIALLY IF THEY ARE YOURS!! The sun is high in the sky and doing its work without any hindrance from the clouds. I think that the temperature must be somewhere in the early 80’s and I buy some sun cream as a precaution. I will sit in and worship (the sun) […]
This green and positive land
Posted on by James Woodward
OK – he was waving at thousands of other people as well but smiling at me! Well – perhaps not just me. They do love him and my – they can shout and scream and wave and sing and dance and cheer. And at 81 what a star – dont you think? The sun […]
Learning what is important as we age ?
Posted on by James Woodward
There are some great liberations that surround old age. Abraham Maslow once suggested that wisdom was the accumulation of knowledge and experience and then living long enough to reflect on it, make sense of it, and apply it to oneself and others. Well not all older people are wise. However I have come to see […]
Creative Ageing and learning new tricks!!
Posted on by James Woodward
Be careful – learners around here! They are a hospitable, open, positive and friendly lot the Americans that I have had the joy of meeting so far. On Tuesday (yesterday!) I took the Metro train out towards the National Cathedral to meet Dr Gay Hanna. She is the Director of the National Centre for […]
What is the future for religion?
Posted on by James Woodward
RELIGIOUS SYMBOLS OF THE WORLD I watched the CNN programme which was entitled Faith and Politcs : The Compassion Forum – a head to head between Obama and Clinton. I have also been interested to read of Tony Blair’s Faith Foundation over here – there is much excitement about his coming to Yale […]
In Praise of
Posted on by James Woodward
the notebook Well it might be a sign of old age – but I couldn’t survive without one of these. It is a notebook – moleskin is the trade name. Unlined and small enough to drop into a pocket. Unlined with a band that keeps it together. It also has a useful pocket in the […]
The Edwardians
Posted on by James Woodward
A good book is necessary for coping with a long flight – and this is the volume that caught my attention at Heathrow. Cheap and long and interesting but not too high brow! Hattersley is a skilled writer – don’t you admire the way these people can master a huge subject? Carefully researched – the […]
Visitors in Town
Posted on by James Woodward
We have some important visitors in town next week – present company excepted – of course! The Pope and The Prime Minister…… There is some excitement mixed with a certain element of concern about what the fuss of these important people with their motorcades will do to the traffic system! Do you ever wonder what […]
Native Americans?
Posted on by James Woodward
All language has its dangers! Who is an American? Who does this huge land belong to? Even on a short Metro train ride into Washington DC one is aware of the sheer diversity of people – it really is the land of many races and languages. I sit behind a couple who speak Chinese and […]
The Way we Age?
Posted on by James Woodward
Do you ever wonder what old age has in store for you? How old do you feel inside? Where would you like to age? The way we answer these questions – our perspectives on age and growing older are shaped by our life story. Our parents and grandparents will have shaped our views. Those around us […]