Do you understand anybody that exists without making a list or two or even three?? I thought I would offer one by way of a little lighter read: Here is a list of my top twenty likes – Coffee Cheap and efficient public transport Steak The American Episcopal Book of Common Prayer M and […]
At Seventy
Posted on by James Woodward
At last – a text as rich in wisdom about age as I have seen. May Sarton At Seventy is a journal of the poet and writer’s life. She takes us through the ordinary ups and downs of life in Maine starting in on the 3rd of May 1982 (her birthday) and ending a year […]
Jimmy’s: The Woodlawn Tap
Posted on by James Woodward
I am sure some of you may wonder what life is like out here – well it has its ups and downs – things that make one smile and others that bring a slight frown! I was in the library for most of yesterday struggling with a very dense book entitled Narratology: An Introduction to […]
Posted on by James Woodward
Many of you will be familiar with this face – Dr Madeleine Albright. She was the 64th Secretary of State in the Clinton Government and, at that time, the highest ranking woman in American politics. She has a reputation for no nonsense speaking – and her achievements in Government are regarded as very significant. Her […]
The Beulher Centre on Ageing,Health & Society
Posted on by James Woodward
The Centre is somewhere in this picture! Part of the joy of sabbatical time is the opportunity to network with people who are leaders in your area. I have tried to balance my interests – pastoral theology; housing and care for older people; Church life and the spiritual journey and my main focus – the […]
What is in a story?
Posted on by James Woodward
The rain has stopped and there are promising signs of sunshine – I rise early and have some breakfast in Starbucks which at 6 45am is too full! I share a table with a young black woman who is reading her Bible. This, I have found here, is very common. How many of you […]
St James’ Cathedral Chicago
Posted on by James Woodward
Woken early by the extraordinary amount of rain falling from the sky – and three hours later it is still coming down. I thought it was supposed to be wind on Pentecost Sunday ? I pop upto Starbucks for my morning coffee and look out over the wide roads and cars struggling with the water. […]
Cloud Gate
Posted on by James Woodward
I wrote on the 6th May about the Millennium Park in Chicago. Its highlight for me and many others is this sculpture by British Artist Anish Kapoor – his first public outdoor work installed in the United States. A 110 ton elliptical sculpture is forged of a series of highly-polished stainless steel plates. In it […]
North Western University
Posted on by James Woodward
My adventure starts early as I need to get north of the city into a suburb called Evanston – it is the location of this University – a large campus stretching over many acres. The journey demands that I negotiate the quite complicated public transport system. An overground double decker train into the centre […]
My Small House
Posted on by James Woodward
How much space do we need in which we can live? How many things do we need for fulfillment? Perhaps most of our lives are cluttered in some way or another – waiting for the next Jumble Sale to off load this and that. I read recently that we only have space for about thirty […]
The thing about life is one day you’ll be dead
Posted on by James Woodward
I was going to have a rant about the annual accounts from the Church of England (see news item 6 May on at and how much it costs us to keep Bishops – if someone can explain it to me without causing a minor stroke I should be grateful – but I resist […]
Living Regretfully?
Posted on by James Woodward
I sometimes wonder whether it is worth adding to the vast amount of material written – especially when so much of it ends up in the second hand bookshop (if you are lucky) or the scrap heap waiting to be pulped. Isn’t it extraordinary to think of the human struggle and engagement with life and […]
Lunch in Marshall, Field and Co (MACY’s)
Posted on by James Woodward
I have been waiting to catch up with Sam, an Episcopalian priest friend, and we decide on lunch in the large department store in the centre of town – Macys – on the fifth floor in a restaurant called The Walnut Room! It is good to chat about the sabbatical, church life, ministry and its […]
To speak or not to speak on a lazy Sunday?
Posted on by James Woodward
We all have our habits and mine is a large coffee absolutely first thing. Thankfully we have a Starbucks a block away and it has become my regular haunt – ‘ Its my English sugar’ exclaims the waitress ‘speak to me – I love that English accent’ – friendly but a bit forward if you […]
The Art Institute of Chicago
Posted on by James Woodward
Not quite the full picture of this spacious building but an impression for virtual visitors – you could, of course, visit the web site and never move from the living room chair ( if you have a lap top) – if this is you preference the ignore the following and visit ! I […]
In praise of ……
Posted on by James Woodward
DISCOVERY! I am woken at 5 30 am by an extraodinary combination of noises – the wind off Lake Michigan, a helicopter and police sirens. Life in a city – as the clamour dies down and I come to I think that I am in my own bedroom in Temple House and then realize that […]
The University of Chicago
Posted on by James Woodward
I see that Mr Brown has had an inevitable thrashing at the polls – I hope it causes a wake up in some sort of shape. From this distance and looking at the newspapers here I have come to see that there is some poverty to the quality of politcal debate in the UK. And […]
Montgomery Place
Posted on by James Woodward
About a mile or 15 minutes brisk walk from Brent House is Montgomery Place – a continuing Care retirement community and (much to my surprise) a place where I thought I could live. I am invited to lunch by the Director of Pastoral Care, Bob Petite, an Episcopal priest who has been working here for the last fifteen […]
Welcome to Chicago
Posted on by James Woodward
I confess to a certain unease about flying – I never quite know how and why the plane manges to get off the ground – and this particular plane did seem to be oddly noisy! It doesn’t help sitting over the wing where if you look closely things do wobble a bit. However, American Airlines […]
Goodbye and thank you to VTS
Posted on by James Woodward
By the time that my English friends read this I should be in the air flying off to Chicago – how time passes! American Airlines from Ronald Regan airport – how many of you remember him?? I am full of gratitude to Virginia Theological Seminary for its warmth and hospitality over this month of April. […]