What are the forces that erode respect in modern society? Respect can be gained by attaining success, developing talents, financial security or by helping others. There are, however, many others who are not able to adhere to the demands of todays meritocracy and loose esteem. I share the belief that we are living in a […]
Acts of Faith?
Posted on by James Woodward
There is a start to a sermon that goes like this: 1. Close your eyes and imagine your perfect world. 2. Open them and think what needs to change for that to happen 3. Go out of the Church and do it. Amen Short and simple. A clear message and plenty of congregational participation. I […]
The strange world of American Politics?
Posted on by James Woodward
Well – it is to be Barack Obama for the Democratic candidate – an extraordinary result for him and the attraction of the US way of doing power. I know that many of my friends at the University of Chicago will be delighted – and some of them stand to profit from his rise with […]
Marc Chagall
Posted on by James Woodward
On my living room wall above the study in Temple House I have some lithograph reproductions of four biblical scenes by Marc Chagall. These were produced in large quantities in France and I picked them up there very cheaply in a shop in Paris. They are wonderful prints. While on sabbatical they have been some […]
Back in our little old land of plenty!
Posted on by James Woodward
Well – I am back in the UK and still feeling the after effects of the unnatural business of modern flight! I am not going to go into the bizarre experience of public libraries and computers except to say that securing access to the machine has been harder and more complicated than understanding the theory […]
Accounting for Longevity?
Posted on by James Woodward
If we are to grasp what ageing means for us at an individual level then we must also come to terms with the ways in which age is a social and cultural phenomenon. This is a complicated field full of experts and competing theories. In all dialogue there are myths and misinformation. This is […]
Jet Lag
Posted on by James Woodward
By the time you read this I (hope) that I shall have arrived back in England! I am flying Virgin Atlantic and they have flooded Chicago with adverts. There is a stretch of Michigan Avenue called the magnificent mile where most of the major retail outlets are and many of the famous skyscrapers. Virgin have […]
And be Thankful
Posted on by James Woodward
For those if you who know your Bible you will be able to find the source of these three words! As the second leg of my sabbatical draws to a close I am full of gratitude – to people back home and here who have made this extraordinary experience possible. I love this city and […]
Smile and….
Posted on by James Woodward
the world smiles with you! Someone once said that you get the face you deserve at 50….. what do you make of that. I think that I have a slightly unfortunate face. When it relaxes I look (I think – because I don’t spend hours in front of the mirror) a bit miserable! I think […]
On top of the world?
Posted on by James Woodward
It is good to be a tourist and to tick those three star ‘musts’ off the list. And ever in need of a sermon illustration I wondered whether one really did feel nearer to God in the worlds tallest building! So – here is is – the Sears Tower – 233 South Wacker Drive – to […]
Painting the Ordinary
Posted on by James Woodward
In the Art Institute of Chicago there is the largest collection of French Impressionist paintings outside France. I spend some time getting to know the Impressionists. Here is one you might remember: (Degas) The impressionists record the desire of the passing moment. Many of their pictures represent the subjective in the visual experience. […]
Posted on by James Woodward
There are only a few things that I remember being smacked for at home – swearing was one of them. I picked up this language in the playground and taught my sister it before tea. My poor parents went spare! As I overhear conversations on trains and in shops there seems little reticence – […]
How many gadgets do we need for living?
Posted on by James Woodward
Well here is my bit of Daily Mail journalism for the month! I sometimes wonder looking around here (and elsewhere) whether we shall ever need to speak to anyone ever again….. During my search for a book in the library I saw a lad carrying his lap top – probably with the information he needed to […]
The Last Gift of Time
Posted on by James Woodward
I have turned to some biographical narrative in order to consider how older people themselves narrate the meanings of age. Perhaps it is not surprising to discover that women do this much more creatively (and I think honestly) than men. This short book is quite amazing in its eloquence, honesty, wisdom and rigour. Reading Heilbrum […]
In Praise of…..
Posted on by James Woodward
Johnny Cash! Thanks to friends I have a recorder which helps me in my research and also gives me the chance to listen to music – I have mastered the art of downloading music – which is a great in the absence of radio and television. My new discovery is Country and Western – (now […]
Painted Glass
Posted on by James Woodward
You might remember my writing about Washington National Cathedral last month. I was reminded of a funny conversation that I overheard. I should say that it is not difficult to overhear conversations – they speak so loudly here! Referring to the glass a lady asked ‘Do they have to paint the glass every so often?’ […]
Ten things you probably didn’t know about Chicago
Posted on by James Woodward
This is the city’s flag Here Wrigley’s invented chewing gum Charlie Chaplin made some of his films here Adler and Sullivan invented the skyscraper here The tallest building in America is here Louis Armstrong recorded some of his work here This was Al Capone’s backyard The atom was split here in the University of Chicago […]
Who will rule the world?
Posted on by James Woodward
This is a very fascinating race for the White House and the most powerful position in the world. The rules and regulations that surround the election seem to an outsider as very complicated. I get my main US news from CNN and Chicago public Radio. The only thing that I am clear about is […]
Presbyterian Homes
Posted on by James Woodward
Ever keen to connect with the developing culture of care and housing for older people I am invited to travel north of the city to visit Presbyterian Homes – or more precisely – Westminster Place in Spokie (an Indian word) in Evanston. My guide is Dr Celia Berdes who is the Director of Research […]
Make it Rock – Baby – on Trinity Sunday !
Posted on by James Woodward
Chicago is a segregated city and as you move south from the University of Chicago you move into the heartlands of Black African America where white faces are the exception. I travel half an hour to an Episcopal Church on South Dante Avenue – the Church of Messiah – St Bartholomew. Most of us can […]