Those regular visitors to my weblog will know of my interest and enthusiasm in and for Art. A correspondent friend of mine reminded me of how elitist art can be – and I agree – making art accessible (and affordable) is a moral and social challenge. I would like to see a permanent […]
On forgiving your parents
Posted on by James Woodward
My reading of old age narratives goes on (and on and on)! There is some productivity and much delight in the various way these characters think about the shape of age. I wish I had the capacity to think onto a computer – there is something about the movement of a pen across paper watching […]
Plas – Yn – Rhiw
Posted on by James Woodward
I realize that part of the secret of spritual happiness is to nurture contentment with ones’ lot – and my lot is a good one – you would be surprised at what a short absence does to the heart’s affections! However that doesn’t stop me, from time to time, coveting things! Have you ever come […]
An American Dream?
Posted on by James Woodward
I know that I am back in this country but part of me, reflecting on my sabbatical, is still in America. I have cards and letters from newly made friends asking when I am planning to return. If you look back over my sabbatical blogs (March 26th – 30th) you will see my reflections on […]
Endgame by May Sarton
Posted on by James Woodward
On the 17th of May I wrote about a very remarkable book by May Sarton (At Seventy). You can imagine my delight at finding another journal by her entitled Endgame. One of the great things about living in a University area (Hyde Park Chicago) was the wonderful collection of second hand bookshops. Where better to […]
A taste of my Life
Posted on by James Woodward
I thought that I had secured a bargain when I bought for 60p a bag of nuts – just what I need thought I – low fat/high energy food. They tasted OK but I thought were a bit old?? Imagine my horror when I passed the shop two days later to find that they were […]
The Tyranny of Connectivity?
Posted on by James Woodward
I came across this evocative phrase in an article in The New Yorker. What a magazine – another discovery in Chicago (I shall have to put a year’s subscription on my Christmas wish list!!). A Japanese writer reflects on our modern world and the multiple ways that we keep in touch. He suggests that there […]
What makes people tick?
Posted on by James Woodward
If you want to get to know someone – what elements might be important in the process of knowing? Are there things that we feel people misunderstand about us? What accounts for that misunderstanding? I think that a person’s vision is important – and I don’t mean their eyesight! An individual’s attitudes to others and […]
The Welsh Borders
Posted on by James Woodward
This piece of geography can be travelled by an impatient traveller from on end to the other in a single morning. I think that its delights are better savoured slowly. The landscape is consistently beautiful – and varied. Think of the hard edged Black Mountains; the Kerry Hills and the Stiperstones of Shropshire, or the pastoral […]
In praise of…
Posted on by James Woodward
THE PUBLIC LIBRARY…… I dont know about your but this is a hive of activity and service to the good people of this town. A local councillor is doing his surgery with a queue of people hoping that their problems will be solved. I wonder how many are bothered about David Davies and the 42 days […]
On Being recognized and thanked
Posted on by James Woodward
The morning is definitely the best time of the day. I wake early at 5.45 without the intrusion of the alarm clock and watch the world slowly come alive. Local farmers call for a newspaper, the early birds put their rubbish out including the recycling bags (why is Solihull so bad at recycling?), the shipping […]
In Praise of…..
Posted on by James Woodward
Kyffin Williams Born on Anglesey, Sir Kyffin Williams is probably one of the most famous of all Welsh painters. Educated at the Slade School of Art in London he had a fascinating career. His death in September 2006 has given rise to an interest in his work. I first came across a pen and […]
Moral, but no Compass??
Posted on by James Woodward
I confess to feeling a little bothered about the Church of England’s recent engagement with politics. My main source of information has been the Times Newspaper – not an entirely unbiased source of information about religion. Ruth Gledhill does like to talk up an argument! In this report the Church complains about its treatment at […]
Happy Endings…..dont you love them??
Posted on by James Woodward
It is not possible to sink one’s head into a book for all the waking hours of the day. I am keen to make the best of my time before returning to Temple Balsall to repay all those many favours that are mounting up. My research project is shaping up well – and I have […]
And your question is ??
Posted on by James Woodward
There is a favourite American bumper sticker that reads JESUS IS THE ANSWER I imagine that it is popular with evangelicals!! I am not planning to have a shed load of these printed to raise funds for Temple Balsall – though any stray funding reader wanting to support us please contact my office ( […]
In praise of
Posted on by James Woodward
THE OBITUARY! I have enjoyed reading the newspapers. Catholic in taste I have tried to vary the diet – I like the Telegraph for its lay out and clarity though the crosswords are impossible! I especially appreciate the obituaries! I picked up a collection of obits by Hugh Massingberd who was the Telegraph obits […]
On changing your mind!
Posted on by James Woodward
When was the last time that you changed your mind? About someone or some incident or conversation? In that Temple of Universal Provision (Sainsburys) I went in search or a Father’s Day card and was taken past the books. Most of the new titles were going for a song. My choice (I was in need […]
Penant Menangell
Posted on by James Woodward
After an eight o’clock communion where I arrived three minutes late mcuh to the irritation of both the vicar and the churchwarden (I must remember that you can express a lot through a well chosen look) – I travelled north to see the beautiful pilgrimage church of St Melangell. It lies at the head of […]
Accounting for what shapes age?
Posted on by James Woodward
Do you remember your grandparents? What were they like? I remember my mothers, mother – going to see her as a very young child when my mother would help her with the housework and ironing. I must have been very young but I remember her grey hair and wrinkled hands and […]
In memory of Claire
Posted on by James Woodward
Time moves us on and things happen in life whether we like it or not. I am constantly surprised at the sheer unpredictability and fragility of life and love. It nurtures deep within me a sense of thankfulness for each day and the gifts that are so generously shared especially in friendship. During my last […]