Can you ever get too much sleep? How much sleep do you need? What is your bed like ( rather forward question I know …) When did you linger there – curled up under the duvet and drifting in and out of sleep? I like lots of pillows and surrounded by books there is nothing […]
Celebrating Children
Posted on by James Woodward
I have just come home after an evening where our Church School has gathered to celebrate the achievements of our chlidren. It was a wonderful evening with a tremendous atmosphere of excitement and laughter. The small children treated us to country dancing and the older children sang Bridge Over Troubled Water– with some brilliant solos […]
Heritage Weekend in Temple Balsall 13-14 September 08 !
Posted on by James Woodward
Into week three I am beginning to settle back into a routine of work with all the usual joys and problems of working with people. Nothing ever quite goes to plan and life is full of wonderful surprises. It is a priviledge to be here – a part of the community that does so much […]
Durham Miners Gala
Posted on by James Woodward
On Monday 14th of July I reflected on roots and especially on my home village. On Saturday July 12th before I left for Temple Balsall I experienced a ritual that has shaped the North East for many years. The Colliery band and banner getting ready for Durham Miners gala – always held on the second […]
Where does all this hatred come from?
Posted on by James Woodward
What is happening in the Church these days? It feels serious and damaging – and does nothing to build up and nourish the Community of faith. Is it any wonder why our Churches are empty? Why should we feel surprised that many people view religion as (at best) a joke and (at worst) just […]
Where are your roots?
Posted on by James Woodward
I was born and brought up in the North East of England in small mining village south west of Durham city. For those of you who like maps – here is the location Set amongst rural farms and not far from the coast – the place and the community is very much a part of me. […]
How is your garden?
Posted on by James Woodward
I have in my hand one of my favourite things in all of God’s creation – an apple! There are apple trees at the bottom of my garden – do you ever watch and marvel at the miracle of growth and the beauty of life with its possibility for nourishment? Apple trees don’t appear out […]
Across the Pond
Posted on by James Woodward
Two nations divided by a single language – was Churchill’s great comment on the relationship between England and America. They are two countries that are so different in many ways. Andrew O’Hagan grew up on the Ayrshire coast and so knew the sound of the Atlantic ocean. He was captivated by the stories about the […]
The Public
Posted on by James Woodward
Not a name for a new newspaper or charity or a headline but the name of a building at the heart of the regeneration of West Bromwich. It houses a public gallery as well as a theatre, recording studios, creative office space, event space and a cafe bar. The ambition is to provide a creative […]
Doing Death Well?
Posted on by James Woodward
Susan Sontag was one of the writers who has most influenced my understanding of illness. Her book Illness as metaphor is a classic exporation into the strange world of language and reality that surround this most difficult of human experinces. What does A good death really mean. It is often an empty phrase devoid of […]
It’s all in the Mind?
Posted on by James Woodward
We all fear losing our minds and memories. One of the reasons why many fear old age is because we believe that cognitive abilities decline. There are many negative images of older people that suggest that they are forgetful and even mentally incompetent. So what does the evidence show? Cognitive functioning can be assessed […]
Women Bishops?
Posted on by James Woodward
I trained for ministry alongside women during the early 1980’s at a time when they were not allowed to be ordained to the diaconate or priesthood. I remember the passion that I felt about the sheer injustice of it all – and how important it was to address the inequality. The women at Westcott House […]
The Common Good?
Posted on by James Woodward
A guy arrives in a village where many are starving. He has a large pot and big stone and he tells them that he is going to make them stone soup. He puts the water and the stone into the pot, and when it starts boiling, he tastes it and says ‘It’s almost […]
For my American friends
Posted on by James Woodward
Well – I remembered you all yesterday when you celebrated Independence day and here are the folks who did the deed! and here is what they signed: I salute this brave and diverse and rich nation and the wonderful people who are proud to be American. Your […]
Children form us?
Posted on by James Woodward
One of the real delights and privileges of my work in Temple Balsall ( see is the weekly service in St Marys for the whole of the school community. Over 170 children and others gather for worship. They are present with grace and expectation. They sing with feeling. They pray with love and compassion. […]
Frank Lloyd Wright
Posted on by James Woodward
What a genial looking chap – though I understand from his biographer that he was a complete rascal ! I spent a morning in Oak Park exploring the unique style of this architecture. His use of space and light and design are quite extraordinary. I then discovered that one of his houses was on the […]
Summaries are Best?
Posted on by James Woodward
Getting used to my own space is interesting after so long away. Temple House talks to me – it moves and almost speaks from time to time – a very disconcerting experience especially when sleep is needed! Anyway it didn’t matter too much last night because I used the waking hours to finish a remarkable book […]
Learning to Die
Posted on by James Woodward
It is at this stage that most of us discard the flowers – they are no longer of any use. But look more closely – can you see the beauty and the depth in the sheer fragility? Tenderness and perception make people attractive and humane – not the outward show of material achievement or […]
Back to Work!!
Posted on by James Woodward
Well – nothing good ever lasts forever – and the sabbatical is over! I returned to Temple Balsall yesterday to find everything in good order – mainly thanks to my wonderful colleagues. Some flowers from Sharon and Jen (as I told my American Friends – quite simply the best people England (and Wales) produces!) […]
Free Speech?
Posted on by James Woodward
Should we all be allowed to say what we want, and where, and about whosoever we want? What are the limits to free speech? And who should decide where these limits are set? If we set a limit of freedom of speech then does it follow that there will be an infringement of other human […]