When I first came to East Anglia in 1964, I was twenty five years old. I did not notice the huge skies. I had no time to stand and stare… I could not give in to wonder because there in my mind’s eye was I. Like all young people I was preoccupied with inventing myself… […]
Who would be a Vicar these days??
Posted on by James Woodward
I had reason to write to a friend who has recently celebrated twenty years in the ministry. It has given me the opportunity to reflect upon some of the questions and convictions that surround the nature and exercise of priesthood in today’s complex and confusing world. It was Bob Runcie, a former Archbishop […]
Saint or Sinner??
Posted on by James Woodward
During this November time we have been remembering – and as a colleague of mine said in church recently – we Christians are particularly good and skilled at remembering. All Saints’ celebrates those men and women who have inspired us and been faithful to discipleship. Many of us gather to remember on […]
From Alice Walker to barack Obama
Posted on by James Woodward
I found this very powerful and challenging and moving….. read on!! Open Letter to Barack Obama from Alice Walker Nov. 5, 2008 Dear Brother Obama, You have no idea, really, of how profound this moment is for us. Us being the black people of the Southern United States. You think you know, because […]
The meaning is in the waiting
Posted on by James Woodward
The Lord is good to those who wait him When the time for silence comes, the need is to wait, and to be content to wait as best one can: patiently, expectantly, lovingly, longingly. And that is my part and it is all that I can do. The rest belongs to God. I can […]
Changing Times – Changing Britain?
Posted on by James Woodward
Andrew Wilson is an extraordinarily skilled, energetic and enterprising historian. This book charts the life of Britain since Elizabeth II’s Coronation in 1953 and leads right up to the hand over of 10 Downing Street from Tony Blair to Gordon Brown in 2008. This is the third volume in Wilson’s trilogy building […]
Obama and the Audacity of Hope
Posted on by James Woodward
A historic night and extraordinary victory for Barack Obama. How far he has travelled and do not under estimate the radical choice that the American people have made. He is a powerful symbol of change, inclusion and liberation. Obamas book The Audacity of Hope. It is a very good book indeed – he has a […]
God Bless America as she votes !
Posted on by James Woodward
We await today the result of the election with some interest and excitement! For a country which prides itself as being the world’s greatest democracy, it surprised me to discover that America has a surprisingly low turnout for Presidential elections. The average for the last six presidential elections hovers barely over 52%. It is likely […]
This amused me!!
Posted on by James Woodward
Convinced?? Would you sponsor it?? How sure are we about God?!
The Summer Day
Posted on by James Woodward
The Summer Day Who made the world? Who made the swan, and the black bear? Who made the grasshopper? This grasshopper, I mean – The one who had flung herself out of the grass, The one who is eating sugar from my hand, Who is moving her jaws back and forth instead of up […]
Uncertain Financial Times?
Posted on by James Woodward
In these curious and uncertain times I found this wisdom: Ethics will be the best long-term investment John Reynolds The Observer, I started working in ‘the City’ nearly 20 years ago. I have seen, especially over the past five years, some very major investment banks engage in behaviour that is certainly unethical and […]
Its time to start talking……
Posted on by James Woodward
I have read the heartbreaking news about the young man from the Midlands who has travelled to Europe for assistance with his death. What are we to make of this – here are Libby Purvis’ excellent reflections: Assisted dying is not the same thing as assisted suicide: we need to tread very carefully – and […]
Collecting Books
Posted on by James Woodward
I am a very minor collector of books! I am blessed with the ability to read and absorb material reasonably quickly. Relaxation is a good book with my feet up and some music playing in the background. My own collection of books particularly concentrates on the post Second World War political memoir and biography. […]
The Cross of St Augustine
Posted on by James Woodward
The Cross of St Augustine was founded by Archbishop Michael Ramsey. It was first awarded by him on 19 February 1965. It is a circular medallion bearing a replica of the 8th Century Cross of Canterbury and on the reverse side is an engraving of the chair of St Augustine at Canterbury. The ribbon is […]
Sheila Hancock
Posted on by James Woodward
This is a really moving read about a woman coping with the death of her partner John Thaw. I challenge anyone not to be moved and enthralled by her lovely honesty. ‘Well now, prove it, Sheila. As John would say, “Put your money where your mouth is.” Be a depressed widow boring the […]
Render unto Caesar….. on our relationship to the world.
Posted on by James Woodward
Matthew 22: 15-22 “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s: and unto God, the things that are God’s”. And so they conspired to put to him their needling question “Are we, or are we not, permitted to pay taxes to the Roman Emperor?” They were as ingenious as […]
Root Vegetables
Posted on by James Woodward
A Recipe for Braised Carrots and Turnips. Here is a recipe where vegetables are cooked with little water. You will need to check the pans frequently so that the ingredients don’t catch the bottom. The ingredients are as follows: Carrots 1kg bunched carrots, trimmed and cut in half lengthways 50gr butter 1 tablespoon […]
Human Restlessness?
Posted on by James Woodward
I had a fascinating conversation with a friend last night about the whole business of staying and moving. This is, I think, related to the restlessness which we all share in to some greater or lesser degree. I have friends who are constantly restless – who are almost incapable of staying in one place for […]
Bits of the Jigsaw
Posted on by James Woodward
Since my sabbatical earlier this year it has been understandably quite difficult to maintain any time of regular rhythm of reading. I am keen to want to harvest the privilege of those days spent in Washington and Chicago libraries absorbing and reflecting on narrative. But some of this has practical implications for my work […]
The City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
Posted on by James Woodward
Many of my friends are quite prejudiced about Birmingham as a place to work and live. Well, of course, living on the edge of Solihull as I do many of my neighbours and parishioners have little to do with the city of Birmingham! Indeed, you could argue that places like Solihull, and, to a lesser […]