amazement And God is filling me, though there are times of doubt as hollow as the Grand Canyon, still God is filling me. He is giving me the thoughts of dogs, the spider in its intricate web, the sun in all its amazement, and a slain ram that is the glory, the mystery of […]
These our actors
Posted on by James Woodward
these our actors Our revels now are ended. These our actors, As I foretold you, were all spirits, and Are melted into air, into thin air: And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, The cloud-capp’d towers, the gorgeous palaces, The solemn temples, the great globe itself, Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve […]
Everywhere Orchids
Posted on by James Woodward
everywhere, orchids I think there’s a trickster who wanders the mountains, with a belt made of ivy and a cloak of wisteria, lips always smiling, noble to look at, he drives yellow leopards, his friends include tigers, he stands in a chariot bannered with cassia, everywhere, orchids all over, azaleas. Exhaling the perfume, the […]
What hope for Religion?
Posted on by James Woodward
The New Spirituality: An Introduction to Progressive Belief in the Twenty-first Century Gordon Lynch “Religion is over – there’s simply no future in believing that traditional Christianity is in any way persuasive in England today”, was the comment from a Priest friend of mine working in a suburban town in the West Midlands of […]
Whats in a sermon then?
Posted on by James Woodward
In Other Words, Incarnational Translation for Preaching Charles H. Cosgrove and W. Dow Edgerton In our theological libraries it may be that, depending upon our organization, the sub-sections contain books in the following areas: biblical studies; history; spirituality and prayer; religious studies; philosophy; ethics; and general theology. The area which reviews in religion and […]
Is there anybody there – Responding to Dementia?
Posted on by James Woodward
Is there anybody there? Can we remember those who forget? We human beings deal with our fears in a variety of ways. Often our response to certain types of illness is shaped by ignorance and prejudice. A historical overview of religion reflects our ambivalent relationship with illness. Consider how we treated the insane in […]
Dignity – Whose Dignity?
Posted on by James Woodward
In the Department of Health second NSF paper A New Ambition for Old Age, dignity is defined as ‘the moral requirement to respect human beings irrespective of what they suffer from’. Another definition is this : ‘dignity refers to an individual maintaining self respect and being valued by others’. These definitions remind us that […]
Putting all this effort into perspective?
Posted on by James Woodward
The Kingdom is not only beyond our efforts, it is even beyond our vision. We accomplish in our lifetime only a tiny fraction of the magnificent enterprise that is God’s work. No programme accomplishes the Church’s mission, no set goals and objectives include everything. This is what we are about. We plant the seeds that […]
Posted on by James Woodward
Do not brood over your past mistakes and failures as this will only fill your mind with grief, regret and depression Swami Sivananda
What is it about Mozart?
Posted on by James Woodward
After celebrating Christ the King and the end of the Church’s liturgical year I was fortunate again to be able to travel into Birmingham on Sunday afternoon for an excellent 3.00 pm concert. A packed house enjoyed the chamber orchestra of Europe play some Stravinsky. But the highlight of the concert was two extraordinary pieces […]
In memory of Alwyn Lloyd Roberts
Posted on by James Woodward
Here is a the homily for Alwyn that was preached today in St Marys Temple Balsall. Alwyn was a star.At a Children’s workshop while singing all things bright and beautiful when we got to the line ‘the purple headed mountain’ Alwyn changed the words to ‘the purple haired monster’ and nodded his head toward […]
Presence and Engagement
Posted on by James Woodward
Last week in the parish which we have entitled ‘Food for Thought’ had its second event. The formula for this is quite simple – we meet for a simple supper at 7.00 pm, followed by a talk – with a sort break for a hot drink followed by an hour’s conversation and home by […]
Valuing Age:Pastoral Ministry with Older People just published!
Posted on by James Woodward
This book is desperately needed. James Woodward’s study is masterful,informed, compassionate, theologically articulate and pastorally compelling. We will all grow older; we should allread this book. It is a compelling visionof a Church in which older people really are valued and served.’ The Very Revd Ian Markham PhD, Dean and President of VirginiaTheological Seminary […]
Christ the King
Posted on by James Woodward
What kind of KIng? In Majesty A Servant King? A suffering King A King for us A King who knows and loves us A King that offers us hope and new life A King that turns things upside down A King that surprises What kind of King is Christ for you?
Posted on by James Woodward
Lors Tornstam Tornstam defined the first thesis in Sweden in the field of gerontological sociology in 1973. This model (Gerotranscendence) suggests that human longevity includes the potential for a transcendent movement away from the materialistic and rational point of view common in the first half of life. His research suggests that successful completion of such […]
A Mission Shaped Church for Older People?
Posted on by James Woodward
I I had the privilege of travelling up to The Wilson Carlile Campus which houses the headquarters of the Church Army. Mike Collyer and Claire Dalpra had organised an excellent afternoon conference which gathered a 100 people together to think about our mission and ministry to older people. I was glad to […]
On living for today
Posted on by James Woodward
Now that death seems not so far away, I whisper to myself how much I want to hold the knowledge in my heart and hear that life itself can be enough – its beauty and its awesomeness as well as deepest tragedy. I do not want the need to seek an offer, or […]
Rowan’s Rule and the impossible job!
Posted on by James Woodward
This is a dense book of over 400 carefully chosen pages of words. The writer demonstrates his intelligence and insight with balanced judgements. Imagine having your life poured over in this way. Family, failed relationships, marriage, political views, children, job applications that failed and almost every word uttered and written. The task has been intrusted to […]
Do you live to the full??
Posted on by James Woodward
So, how long does a man live, finally? And how much does he live while he lives? We fret, and ask so many questions – Then when it comes to us The answer is so simple after all. A man lives as long as we carry him inside us, For as long as we […]
Do we want to be Changed?
Posted on by James Woodward
Read Matthew 25:14-30 Do we want to take risks for the Gospel? Time. What happens to it? Why are we so bound by it? Why does time pass so slowly when we are young and so rapidly when we are old? Where did the time go we ask ourselves or, more likely, why am I […]