tree not even for a moment do things stand still: look at colour, in the trees Seiju, his death poem (d. 1776, age 75)
Posted on by James Woodward
What we call the beginning is often the end And to make an end is to make a beginning The end is where we start from T S Eliot Little Gidding Now there is a story behind each of these words and the process that I have been deeply engaged with in […]
Ashdown and his Diaries
Posted on by James Woodward
The Ashdown Diaries Volume One 1988-1997 (Allen Lane 2000 £20 642pages) I have been meaning to read this for some time and finally discovered a copy at the bargain price of £4 in a second hand bookshop in Oswestry covered market. Waiting can yield great results for the patient! I confess that I […]
Invisible Work
Posted on by James Woodward
tunnel ceaselessly I think all the time about invisible work. About the young mother on Welfare I interviewed years ago, who said, “It’s hard. You bring him to the park, run rings around yourself keeping him safe, and there’s no one to say what a good job you’re doing, how you were patient and […]
Posted on by James Woodward
POWER OF SILENCE In silence the flower buds gently bloom, In silence they waft their sweet perfume. In silence grows the blades of grass, In silence I pen down my verse. Speech is silver, silence gold, Good deeds silently performed, Is more eloquent than words! In silence lovers cuddle and sleep, True love communicates […]
St Mark
Posted on by James Woodward
Saint Mark the Evangelist, is the traditional name of the author of the Gospel of Mark. The tradition identifies him with the John Mark mentioned as a companion of Paul in Acts, who later is said to have become a disciple of Simon Peter. John Mark accompanied Paul of Tarsus and Barnabas on Paul’s […]
A New Beginning
Posted on by James Woodward
Yes is a world, and in this world of yes lie skilfully curled, all other worlds.
In Praise of…
Posted on by James Woodward
Welshpool Consider the delights of this mid Wales market town. Friendly, interesting, well stocked, steady, slow and satisfying are some of the adjectives that come to mind. Here is a typical trip. Drive down the high street and park near the library where the car can be safely stored for a couple of hours […]
Thatchers Inheritance
Posted on by James Woodward
Thatcher and Sons: A Revolution in three Acts (Allen Lane 2006) Simon Jenkins is a clever, insightful and careful writer. I read this volume after the considerable publicity following the thirtieth anniversary of Margaret Thatcher’s historic election in 1979. It was one of those books that I bought a few years ago following reading […]
Posted on by James Woodward
spring fever Today, look: another day. Waking, wide open, Afraid. Don’t dive into the library, Into yet another book! Reach for your guitar, Let love, let beauty, be what it is we do: You don’t have to fly abroad, in order to kneel And kiss the tarmac! The breeze at dawn has secrets to […]
St Marys Church Farewell
Posted on by James Woodward
Time and its passing. Just over eight days ago St Marys gave me a grand send off. We used the Church which was great and these pictures give you some sense of the gathered group and the food!! the second course of cakes are hidden in the pews. Now Judith (Adlington) at last I find […]
The radical heart of Epstein
Posted on by James Woodward
I have written before about the innovative and attractively modern Art Gallery in Walsall built to house a collection of diverse and powerful range of pictures and sculptures. It is an interesting space – though I suspect rather under used. The latest exhibition (running until 31st May) is Jacob Epstein: Illustrations to the Old Testament. […]
The Speaker
Posted on by James Woodward
The Speaker (BBC 2 14th April 2009 8 – 9pm) What makes for a good speech? How do those of us who are tasked to speak become better (more convincing) speakers? What is a significant speech? Young people from across the country are gathered together and offered an opportunity to speak in various places. […]
Posted on by James Woodward
where everything is music Don’t worry about saving these songs! And if one of our instruments breaks, it doesn’t matter. We have fallen into the place where everything is music. The strumming and the flute notes rise into the atmosphere, and even if the whole world’s harp should burn up, there will still be […]
Good Bye to all my friends in Temple Balsall
Posted on by James Woodward
May you always have work for your hands to do. May your pockets hold always a coin or two. May the sun shine bright on your windowpane. May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain. May the hand of a friend always be near you. And may God fill your heart with gladness to […]
Farewell Party
Posted on by James Woodward
Thank you for coming tonight. I want to share with you three bits of prose! First from my primary school leaving report….. it read – ‘James is cheerful child and shows some promise but can talk too much’. Do you recognise that report? Talkative? Me? Yes! Will twenty minutes do? Let’s see! […]
Risen with Healing in His Wings
Posted on by James Woodward
Lord, Who createdst man in wealth and store, Though foolishly he lost the same, Decaying more and more, Till he became […]
Easter Eve
Posted on by James Woodward
As some of you know I am embracing a major transition at the moment – a time of waiting, of the unknown, a time of fear and joy, of thankfulness, of things said and unsaid…….all of this and much more is gathered up in prayer during this most holy of days. A friend […]
De- Baptism in a secular Britain?
Posted on by James Woodward
A friend of mine from the States sent this news item – can it be true? More than 100,000 Britons have recently downloaded “certificates of de-baptism” from the Internet to renounce their Christian faith. The initiative launched by a group called the National Secular Society (NSS) follows atheist campaigns here and elsewhere, including a […]
Good Friday
Posted on by James Woodward
and the mystery and power of Gods love given in Christ When I survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of Glory died; my richest gain I count but loss, and pour contempt on all my pride. Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, save in the death of Christ, my God; all […]