Last month I was fortunate to be able to go to Israel (10th -17th of January). I has been a very transformative experience and given me a great deal to reflect upon. I plan to share some of the images over the next few days….. May the God who called our father Abraham to journey […]
Posted on by James Woodward
Silence is living, dynamic, and liberating. The practice of silence nourishes vigilance, self-knowledge, letting go, and the compassionate embrace of all whom we would otherwise be quick to condemn. Gradually we realize that whatever it is in us that sees the mind games we play is itself free of all such mind games and is […]
Posted on by James Woodward
THE PEACE of great doors be for you. Wait at the knobs, at the panel oblongs. Wait for the great hinges. The peace of great churches be for you, Where the players of loft pipe organs Practice old lovely fragments, alone. The peace of great books be for you, Stains of pressed clover leaves on […]
Posted on by James Woodward
Love in the triune God is open, connecting, freeing, playful, painful, transforming. Its two faces are labor and rest, ministry and sabbath. Such love is the fulfillment of all the commandments. For this we are born. Yet this love does not come easily. We are an open Dr. Jekyll who lives with a Mr. […]
Posted on by James Woodward
For all the mysteries, engines, instruments, wherewith the world is filled, which we are able to frame and use to thy glory. For all the trades, variety of operations, cities, temples, streets, bridges, mariner’s compass, admirable picture, sculpture, writing, printing, songs and music; wherewith the world is beautified and adorned. From Thomas Traherne, A […]
Power and Influence?
Posted on by James Woodward
This rates very high amongst the endless pages of political memoirs produced in recent months….. Taking Machiavelli first, Powell marshals voices from Napoleon to Isaiah Berlin to remind us what an extraordinary work Machiavelli’s The Prince is. It grapples with the political arts in states made up of real people, as opposed to peddling high […]
Posted on by James Woodward
“In the earlier parts of your life, up through your mid-years, you switch identity from ego to soul by doing spiritual practices. In aging, life itself takes over a bit more. It becomes the practice that takes you to the soul. Aging is the stage of transition and change. The change that occurs is […]
What is my question?
Posted on by James Woodward
“I think one of the great questions we can ask ourselves is, What is my question? What is the question I am living, what question have I been living since the moment I was born, what is the essence of the pattern, and what’s the fierce, leading edge of that pattern and the way […]
Christians ‘indispensible’ to Middle East societies
Posted on by James Woodward
I thought this worth pondering upon..… A leading commentator on Middle East issues has said that faith and civic leaders in the region have a responsibility to challenge “regimes that muzzle and polarise their peoples” along with the “religious totalitarianism” that fuels violence, discrimination and hatred towards minorities. Writing on the website of the […]
Passing Judgement on Others?
Posted on by James Woodward
One of the most frequent ways in which this(sin) becomes visible, they suggest, is inattention, the failure to see what is truly there in front of us – because our own vision is clouded by self-obsession or self-satisfaction. There are several variants of a story in which some young monk goes in despair to one […]
Human finitude
Posted on by James Woodward
Learning by suffering—pathei mathos in Aeschylus’ phrase; but this means more than being undeceived: ‘what a man has to learn through suffering is not this or that particular thing, but the knowledge of the limitations of humanity, of the absoluteness of the barrier which separates him from the divine. It is ultimately a religious insight—that […]
Posted on by James Woodward
In a way that seems to be more and more crucial to the modern quest for the spiritual, cathedrals can offer a transforming experience. If religion appeals to duty, it seems spirituality must deliver a tangible personal intuition – ‘the tug of silver’.Cathedrals welcome the visitor, whether as worshipper, wanderer or the indifferent perplexed, and […]
Theology and Life?
Posted on by James Woodward
Basing theology on the lived experience of God has another important benefit: by including the experience of the whole person, rather than just their intellect, it allows for a theology that is as much of the heart as of the mind. Theology is not compartmentalised, kept separate from the rest of the spiritual life, but […]
Posted on by James Woodward
Lord, said David, since you do not need us, why did you create these two worlds? Reality replied: O prisoner of time, I was a secret treasure of kindness and generosity, and I wished this treasure to be known, so I created a mirror: its shining face, the heart; its darkened back, the world; […]
Grounded Perspective?
Posted on by James Woodward
Worth Pondering! Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves; they will have no end of fun. Blessed are those who can tell a mountain from a molehill; they will be saved a lot of bother. Blessed are those who know how to relax without looking for excuses; they are on their way to […]
Posted on by James Woodward
Distraction serves a purpose. Like gargoyles guarding the roofline of a cathedral, distractions first serve to ward off those who lack proper motivation. In an age when people claim to be ‘spiritual, not religious’–not really knowing what they mean by either-lack of proper motivation is common. We must long for truth, freedom, loving communion with […]
Posted on by James Woodward
My suggestion is this: that what forgiveness looks like is an ongoing process, again and again, of learning to behave as if death were not, which will mean coming gradually to stand up against those whose being depends on death, and running the risk of being persecuted by them, and maybe even killed by them. […]
Heart and Head!
Posted on by James Woodward
Revelation is never a simple disclosure of information, but always received as a process of discovery.
Holiday Reading
Posted on by James Woodward
One of our wittiest political commentators, Simon Hoggart shares some of his funniest memories in these hilarious memoirs A Long Lunch. What really happened at the Lady Chatterley trial? What exactly did Enoch Powell say to Bill Haley? And just why did John Sergeant drive a flight attendant to fury? We discover the answers to […]
The Legacy of Brown?
Posted on by James Woodward
I think that one of my New Year resolutions will be to give up reading more news, views and reflections on what did or did not happen to the Blair/ Brown partnership during the New Labour Regime! I made an exception with Richards book as he is one of the few political commentators who I beleive offers […]