The morning is definitely the best time of the day. I wake early at 5.45 without the intrusion of the alarm clock and watch the world slowly come alive. Local farmers call for a newspaper, the early birds put their rubbish out including the recycling bags (why is Solihull so bad at recycling?), the shipping forecast – and all those wonderful names and places. How I am glad to have a job that keeps me on dry land! The birds sing and the sun struggles to cheer the world up through the clouds.
A large cup of coffee followed by prayer and meditation – and then the newspaper (not every day but especially at the weekends). On Saturday the list of those honoured is a good read. Some familiar (Dame Joan Bakewell – excellent) but most just names and locations and the rather generalised tag that accounts for the Knighthood or MBE.
Fascinating to imagine what lies behind the name and humbling to think of the countless hours of public service; a life given to reasearch , or health or (even) politics!
The system has changed and the list seems to have a broader appeal with (we are told) many more ordinary people honoured. Yet behind it there must be some element of lottery? Having attempted to secure an honour for a very deserving person a couple of years ago I was told that there are ten applications for every honour awared. How does the choice work – and why do some make it while others are left out? Impossible to have any system that is completely fair?
Well – congratulations to those who are honoured – whose work is recognised – especially my University friend Harriet Crabtree who gets an OBE for her interfaith work. Very well deserved.
We all need to feel recognised and thanked – especially those whose life and contribution (however seemingly small) might be overlooked.
So – go on – recognize soemone today – or something they have done and say thank you. Thats a challenge and an opportunity of today and every day.