Hope is a belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one’s life.
Hope is the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best.
To hope is to wish for something with the expectation of the wish being fulfilled, a key condition in unrequited love.
Hopefulness is somewhat different from optimism in that hope is an emotional state, whereas optimism is a conclusion reached through a deliberate thought pattern that leads to a positive attitude.
When used in a religious context, hope carries a connotation of being aware of what Christians see as spiritual “truth”. In Christian theology, hope is one of the three theological virtues (faith, hope, and charity), which are spiritual gifts of God.
In contrast to the above, it is not a physical emotion but a spiritual grace. Hope is distinct from positive thinking, which refers to a therapeutic or systematic process used in psychology for reversing pessimism.
The term falsehope refers to a hope based entirely around a fantasy or an extremely unlikely outcome.
In some religious contexts hope changes from being a verb to a noun. For instance, when Christians say they have hope in God they are not saying they hope God will give them good things and make their lives happier but that god is in fact, their hope.
How would you define hope?
What do you hope for?