Out of the turbulence of the little tribal kingdoms of Celtic Wales and Brittany where life was precarious and short, where violence reigned, there comes the story of serenity and peace, speaking to us un poetic language of the possibility that here in this world of flesh and blood men can realize, if only for an instant, the presence of the kingdom of eternity which is ever at hand, can recapture the innocence of the beginning and anticipate the fulfillment of the end. Heaven and earth are linked in a single bond, and the world is a wedding; the angels of God ascend and descend upon the sons of men. Such a moment cannot last. The two spheres may even come too close together. It is not possible to maintain the original vision in all its brilliance. We have to return to the limitations of our lot. But in such an instant of vision, arising like the icons of Rublev from the cruelty and strife of human history, we glimpse something of the unmeasured possibilities of human life and its unfathomable mystery when it is lived in the growing realization of the presence and power of God.
The World is a Wedding :Exploration of Christian Spirituality
A. M. Allchin Darton, Longman & Todd (page 21)