It was a pleasure to travel up to London last night to Downing Street for a Reception, hosted by Samantha Cameron, in support of Maggie’s and by way of launching Gemma Levine’s ‘Go with the Flow’.
It is, of course, always interesting to step inside and see something of a famous building but more interesting was the sheer range of people gathered to support Maggie’s Cancer Caring Centres and Gemma’s book.
I was glad to find out more about Maggie’s – a rather innovative project that aims to help people live with, through and beyond cancer by creating a community of support within specially designed buildings.
Gemme Levine, an acclaimed photographer has just published a book detailing her own battle against breast cancer and all the profits will go to help raise funds for Maggie’s. Following her diagnosis, she charts her own journey and offers some practical support and help to those living with cancer.
I was delighted to make a contribution to the book in the shape of a spiritual reflection on the nature of illness and what pastoral resources we might draw upon to cope with the range of challenges and difficulties that any life threatening diagnosis brings.
What surprised me about the evening was how many people have been affected by cancer and how much more help we need to provide in order for us all to live with our humanity, fragility and indeed death.