Melvyn Bragg
12 Books that Changed the World (Hodder 2006)
What do we think about when we consider the great events of the history of the world? War, revolution, political upheaval or natural catastrophe?
Bragg shows us that there have been other places where great things have taken place – between the pages of a book.
In the books that Bragg presents a rich variety of human endeavour and a great diversity of characters. Books by Darwin, Newton and Shakespeare are perhaps obvious inclusions to the list – but there are also some surprises – Marie Stopes (Married Love) and the original radical feminist Mary Wollstonecraft ( A Vindication of the Rights of Woman).
This book is illuminating, controversial – and reminds us that for Bragg and perhaps ustoo – that one of the best of the worlds inventions is the book.
A fascinating read – what would be in your contents list??