16th November

St Theosevia Centre for Christian Spirituality Oxford
A Spirituality of Death? Pastoral Reflections on Boundedness

9th November

Lancing College
Sermon Remembrance Sunday

24th July

Sarum College
The Church of England: Where are we? What are we? How are we?
Organisational Ecclesiology: Exploring Change and Complexity

26th June

Transforming Worship South-West
The Spirituality of Ageing: an Online Colloquium

20th June

Somerset South Deanery Synod
An Ageing Church?

21st May

Association of Hospice Chaplains Swanwick
The Wound or the Bandage?’ Looking into the Face of Spiritual Distress


17th October

Bristol Baptist College Annual Conference
The Pastoral Care of Older Adults

19th September

Precentors Conference Salisbury Cathedral
After Dinner Reflections
Loving the Church of England

4th May
3rd May

Rochester and Canterbury Anna Chaplains
Reflecting on our Journey with Age

27th March

Peterborough Theological Society
The Spiritual and Religious Needs of Older Adults

7th February

Swanage Any Questions
What are we to make of Ageing?

14th January

Diocese of Bath and Wells
Has the battery gone flat? Why bother with Theology.


29th November

Diocese of Bristol Senior Staff Team
Exploring the Future Shape of Ministry

21st November

Modem Conference
A Leader is a Dealer of Hope? Holding, Learning and Surviving the Pandemic at Sarum

14th November

Sarum College

13th September

Sarum College
Exploring the Nature and Practice of Theological Formation

31st August
1st – 3rd September

Diocese of Rochester
Ordination Retreat for Deacons and Priests

29th June
27th June

The Retreat Association
Living with Courage: Clasping Hands Across a Divided Landscape
Presentations on Flourishing in Older Age and Befriending Death

26th June

St John the Baptist West Byfleet Diocese of Guildford
Preach Patronal Festival

15th June

Guildford Diocesan Spiritual Directors
Day on Reflective Journalling

11th June

Ripon College Cuddesdon
The Road and the Roadmap: On Getting Lost in Ministry

6th March

St Mary’s, Sturminster Marshall Diocese of Salsibury
Preach and Study Group: Renewing Faith

8th February

Lady Margaret Hall Oxford
Preach ‘Strive first for the Kingdom of God.’


1st December

Sarum College
Exploring the Nature of Spiritual Need

9th November

Methodist Superintendent Ministers
The Future of Theology for Ministry

2nd November

Leading Women Group Sarum College
Leadership in Tough Times

29th September

Christians on Ageing
Assisted Dying

22nd June

Southern Archdeacons Conference Oxford
Theology: battleground, the problems and possible answers

11th June

Sarum College
The Shape of Leadership in the Public Square

27th May

Religion and Research Group: The University of Worcester
Spiritual Needs in Third and Fourth Age

6th May

Roundtable on Faith, Care and Ageing with Centre for Ageing Better and Church Urban Fund

27th March

Clergy and Lay Leaders Study Day on Dementia – Diocese of Chelmsford


24th November

Cumberland Lodge, Windsor
Changing Expectations of Death
The Ends of Life

12th November

Malvern Progressive Christianity Network
Does Religion help us to Age Well?

14th October

The Congregational Institute for Practical Theology
Ageing and Spirituality

27th March

Diocese of Chelmsford Study Day
Exploring Dementia and Ageing

5th March

Ely Cathedral Lent Lecture
Living with Mortality

4th February

The University of Oxford Institute of Population Ageing
Construction of Ageing Seminar Series
Memory, Meaning and Human Identity
The place of theology in constructing the purpose of age in the light of dementia?

6th January

The William Temple Association Bournemouth
Befriending Age? Exploring a reframing of the social, theological and political dimensions of Age


19th November

Methodist Superintendent Ministers in the Southampton District at Sarum College
Is theology practical?  Reimagining our learning for formation

19th September

Diocese of Rochester Study Day
What is Our Story of Old Age? Listening and Learning from the Experience of Ageing

8th June

Exploring Faith Montgomery Lecture – Diocese of Durham
Ageing: Blessing or Burden

19th April

Winchester Cathedral
Good Friday Three Hours Preaching

11th April

West Wiltshire Theology Group Warminster
Mortality Matters? How should we think and talk about Death?

3rd April

Diocese of Europe Lent Lecture Geneva
Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide

1st April

Sarum College Conference for Danish Clergy
New Thinking in Pastoral and Practical Theology

28th March

Diocese of London Clergy Chapter
Good Grief? Responding to the Private and Public Faces of Death

2nd March

Diocese of Bristol Study Day
Living Well? Life in all its Fullness

3rd February

St Johns College Cambridge

8th January
7th January

University of Durham D.Th.M Lectures
Does Age Matter? Exploring the Spiritual and Theological Landscape of Older People
The Dissolving Self: how far will practical theology take us in the face of Dementia?


5th December

University of Winchester Theology Group
Can Practical Theology enable us to Age Well?

9th October

Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich Study Day for Retired Clergy
Ageing, Spirituality and Theology

5th October

Diocese of Lichfield Spiritual Companions Day
Ageing: blessing or burden? Spiritual Accompaniment with Older Adults

5th – 10th August

University of Oxford Theology Summer School
Exploring Ageing and Human Flourishing

6th July

Sarum College
Reflective Journalling

20th June
19th June

Diocese of Chelmsford Ministry Summer School
Between Remembering and Forgetting: Understanding and Responding to Dementia

12th June

Bristol Cathedral
The Dissolving Self? Dementia, Personhood and Human Identity

1st May

Diocese of Portsmouth
Journeying with Dementia: Theology and Pastoral Care

6th March

Trinity College Bristol
Understanding Third and Fourth Age in Pastoral Theology and Practice

10th February

Diocese of Birmingham Forum for Spiritual Directors and Companions
Exploring Ageing and Spirituality

7th February

Diocese of Sheffield Study Day St Peters College
The Blessings of Ageing


29th November

Sarum College
Ageing: Blessing or Burden? What is the spiritual shape of age in self and others?

21st November

Sarum College
Liturgy with Older People

11th November

Diocese of Newcastle St Hilda’s Church Jesmond
Community, Spirituality and Dementia

1st November

Aspects of Spirituality at Wimborne Minster, Diocese of Salisbury
Ageing – blessing or burden?

19th October

Diocese of Salisbury Ministering in Retirement Study Day
New thinking in Pastoral and Practical Theology 

15th June

Alabaré Christian Care & Support Study Day for Chaplains Salisbury
Where is God in our work? Developing Reflective Practice

22nd June

Diocese of London Two Cities Post Ordination Training St Barnabas Church Pimlico
What have older people to teach us about mission?

6th April

Church of England Liturgical Commission Conference on Dementia Church House Westminster
Between remembering and forgetting: what is the gospel for a society in fear of dementia?

30th March
29th March

College of Health Care Chaplains Northern Branch Shepherd’s Dene Diocese of Newcastle
Spiritual Care in an Aging Population
Spirituality of Death and Moral Choices at End of Life
Chaplaincy and Professional Identity – to whom are we accountable?

26th February

The Old Deanery Diocese of Bath and Wells IME Phase 4-7
Mission and Ministry Amongst Older People

19th January

Clergy Study Day Diocese of St Asaph Llangollen
Befriending Death? Mapping out our Sharing the Spiritual dimensions of loss and change


7th December

The 12th Norman Autton Lecture – Church House Westminster
What are Older People for? Faith, Culture and the Narratives of Age in a Successful Church

30th November

Northampton Deanery Clergy
Reflective Ministry

23rd October

Preach Jesus College Cambridge
What is Grief?

11th October

Salisbury Hospital Chaplains Quiet Day – Sarum College
Where is God in our work-to whom are we accountable?

27th September

Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
The Theological in our Ministry
The Pastoral in our Ministry

25th September

Preach Westminster Abbey
‘If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.’

13th September

Cheddar Valley Parishes Diocese of Bath and Wells
Study Evening – Ageing: Blessing or Burden?

2nd July

Ringwood Unitarian Church
The Ethics of Assisted Suicide

23rd June

Roman Catholic Diocese of Nottingham
Study Day  for Clergy- The Spirituality of Ageing

24th May

Diocese of St Asaph Clergy
Study Day – Understanding Age: Our Mission and Ministry to Older People

23rd May

St Brides Liverpool
Between Remembering and Forgetting: Exploring the Narratives of Age in our Faith Communities

4th February

World Congress of Faiths Consultation : Promoting Spiritual Life: An interfaith Perspective
An Overview of Current Approaches to Spirituality

30th January

Diocese of Worcester IME Phase 2 Clergy
Resources for Theological Reflection
Models of Theological Reflection
Putting Theological Reflection to Work


6th November

Diocese of Bath and Wells
Study Day for Clergy – The Spiritual Growth of Older People

Book a Lecture

Please get in touch with me if you are interested in arranging a speaking engagement or lecture.

I’m also part of the lecture team at the Montgomery Trust.