I am having a very satisfactory time clearing an assorted collection of ‘stuff’ from my house – odd chairs, mugs that are no longer used, and an accumulation of CDs and books. I am always surprised at how much material goods we surround ourselves with – the cathedral of the shopping centre lures us into the promise of happiness.
The reason for the filling of bags and boxes? Our Heritage Weekend in Temple Balsall on the 13th and 14th of September (see www.templebalsall.org.uk ) – where on the Saturday we have a fair on my lawn. Local readers would do well to put it into your dairies and get ready for a busy and stimulating day!
Amidst this dusting down – my attentions turn to those wonderful parables of the Kingdom in Matthew Chapter 13 which we shall read at St Marys later this morning.
‘the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which someone found and hid’ (13:44)
So –
What do you treasure?
Where is your treasure?
What might we do to safeguard our treasure?
Let us open our hearts and minds to the wonder of the secrets of his treasure