I realize that folks experience pain in different ways – I try not to give into it and complain but I am going to tell you my woes……
About a week or so ago I drove home to catch up with my father and experienced some shooting pains in my legs. It was a long and slow journey and so I decided that lack of movement in my car was the problem! I returned home and the pains persisted. Consluting the internet was not a good idea – I was told that I had the symptoms of some dengenerative disease! A walk across the fields cleared my head and I had an early night. The next day a curious lots of spots appeared at the base of my spine making sitting in one place a problem. I gave in ordered an appointment at my GPs to be told that it was shingles!! No treatment – a claer explanation that
a. its a common affliction
b. it doesn’t just affect older people
c. it isn’t caused by stress ( just as well as I have had a three month sabbatical )
d. no one can catch it from me!
Well – for those of you who know – it is very painful indeed. Its official – I am suffering! Woe is me! The sun today has helped as has a number of carefully placed cushions. I can recommend a large hot water bath to sooth and comfort too.
I had never quite realised the pain of this viral infection – I do now – what a way to learn symapthy for others! Now – back to work….. ouch!!