Kyffin Williams
Born on Anglesey, Sir Kyffin Williams is probably one of the most famous of all Welsh painters. Educated at the Slade School of Art in London he had a fascinating career. His death in September 2006 has given rise to an interest in his work. I first came across a pen and ink sketch in a library in mid Wales. The freedom of the piece -its simplicity and texture caught my eye. I knew nothing of the painter but the piece seemed to be special in some kind of way.
His two volume autobiography reminds the reader that to really understand Wales you have to know its history and language. Williams celebrates and criticises all those (like myself) who are observers in this rich and diverse country. In these books he allows his readers to get inside the shape and vision behind how he paints.
His familiarity with the countryside gives him the eye to paint the hills, the sea, farmers and ther dogs, children and older people with a rare depth. I think his landscapes are best with their stone cottages and harsh weather.
Here he pictures a locale below Snowden – look at the dark and light playing together to evoke feeling. Here is another – with Wales at its best where mountain and field meet the sea.
Look out for this wonderful artist and see in these pieces a deep love of this wonderful country.
I think you now probably understand why I am so proud to be Welsh. If you are not careful, you will become and honorary welshman yourself!