Ultimately cathedrals are places of welcome and transformation. Nowhere is this more true than of their worship. Their very construction points to the existence of a God of mystery and awe, yet in their nooks and crannies are places of intimacy and comfort, where the hesitant can light a candle and say a prayer. Where it has been easy for individuals to make the ‘vertical’ connection between themselves and God, it has been more difficult for the ‘horizontal’ connection between people to be developed. Worship which makes much of mystery and reverence can find communion between people difficult to express. Perhaps the regular diet of worship will remain much the same in this regard, yet the fact that people feel welcomed, that they feel that the building is public as well as sacred space, will allow worship provided on those occasions to open up the possibilities of connection between people. Our worship will be at its most challenging when mystery and inclusion coincide. Nobody so welcomed should leave unchanged.