See the movement in the poem – and make the connections for yourself!
Everything flows
upward and over
chalk-white walls
with the ordered freedom
of a trellised creeper
wreathed and scrolled
in a densely choral
anthem of ornament.
Nimble angels
poise above
in attitudes,
huge-limbed prophets
giant apostles,
mitred titans
a seated Virgin,
her covered head
at a fond angle
in accord with
all this swaying
court of images,
looking down
benign and gentle
at the incredible
fact, her Child
What does all this
joyful brilliance
have to do with
cults obsessed with
guilt and sin,
a punishing angry
vindictive God?
Where’s that hard
right-angled object
the cross, with Victim
blanched by torture,
dead, with blood?
Everything bends
to re-enact
the poem lived,
lived, not written,
the poem spoken
by Christ, who never
wrote a word,
of received ideas
who rebuilt Rome
with the words he
never wrote;
whether sacred,
whether human,
himself a sunrise
of love enlarged,
of love, enlarged
– by William Plomer