I set out my pilgrimage , hoping to learn how to conjoin seeing and feeling, to conjoin knowing and loving – this conjoining is what I am going to call ‘’wisdom’. It is what I find in the places I visit, in the things I experience there, in the guises in which I meet the figure of Wisdom. I have come to believe there has been a deep-going separation in our times between knowing and loving, a split in the human spirit, between seeing and feeling too, a split that reaches thus into sense as well, between the two realms that Kant speaks of, ‘’the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me’’. I have gradually passed in my own life from the one realm to the other; I have gone from living in my mind to living in my heart. That has led me into the darkness of my own heart, divided between the way I am taking in life and the way I have not taken, and on deeper into the darkness of the human heart as such, the heart’s longing in conflict with human misery. Now I think I have to go deeper still, to the place ‘’in my heart where my soul dwells’’.
From the Preface of The House of Wisdom by John S. Dunne
University of Notre Dame Press 1993