Now I am disarmed.. I have waged this war against myself for many years. It was terrible. But now I am disarmed. I am no longer frightened of anything because love banishes fear. I am disarmed of the need to be right and to justify myself by disqualifying others. I am no longer on the defensive holding onto my riches. I just want to welcome and to share. I don’t hold onto my ideas and projects. If someone shows me something better – No, I shouldn’t say better but good – I accept them without any regrets. I no longer seek to compare. What is good, true and real is always for me the best. That is why I have no fear. When we are disarmed and dispossessed of self If we open our hearts to the God-Man who makes all things new then He takes away past hurts and reveals a new time where everything is possible.
Patriarch Athenagoras of Costantinople