Time and its passing. Just over eight days ago St Marys gave me a grand send off. We used the Church which was great and these pictures give you some sense of the gathered group and the food!!
the second course of cakes are hidden in the pews. Now Judith (Adlington) at last I find the real value of these extra seats – sorry give them the proper title – pews….!
This assembled group were not all all we behaved after they dived into the drink – and careful viewers please disregard the bottles of mineral water on the table to your left!
I had my picture taken with a number of youths from the parish !
Don’t tell anyone but this one travels all the way in from a neighbouring village which will remain ever nameless.
And there were speeches. A playful one from Steve Hill, the Churchwarden – which kept Sue Dilworth (forground right) out of trouble – which I can tell you takes some doing!
And – surprise, surprise I replied…..
Here are some extracts:
When I started this ministry in September 1998 I told the assembled crowd in the School Hall to Expect Anything !! So begun ten wonderful,exciting, challenging and blessed ten years.
Why? Because of you, this place and its purpose and its work. The community of affection and frienship has expanded ane deepened. Our adventure of faith has led us, challenged us and changed us.
There have been times of laughter and tears of pain – successes and failures – sun and rain. We have weathered all this together and grown through the rainbow of these patterns and fragilities.
You should feel proud of what had emerged – and what has the possibility of being harvested. This has been possible because of you – each one of you- your gifts and committments.
Three Temple events give substance to this conviction- this sense of achievement of community, team work and friendship.
First. Our Lent groups and the way we have tackled our faith and its questions
Second. Our Funerals – its liturgy and celebration and the wau we have stood close to each other in the pain of loss
Third. Our Heritage Weekends – they just get bigger and better,
Terrific – people working together – drawing people in and holding people at important moments of their lives – offering who we are to God for grace.
Temple Balsall existed before I arrived – many years before- ad will thrive beyond my departure tomorrow. It is time to go and you must let me go and provide soem space to see what emerges for the future.
For all that has been – Thanks
For all that will Be – Yes!
Thank you. Keep well. Keep the door open. Take risks – and you reall can expect anything!!
Well poor things had probably heard enough of me but it was a warm and very memorable evening….
Just had to comment….
And I promise not tell that young Margaret about your naughtiness – even though she looked lovely.
But such a change on St Georges Day.
Beautiful architecture and beautiful music.
We counted you out and we counted you back in!
It will also be for you to “Take risks”.
James I pray you will keep grounded in the real world.