2 thoughts on “Sir Terry Frost

  1. Dear James
    Beautiful tribute to Terry Frost. The image you display of him sat in his chair was part of an exhibition we held called Picture me Now in May 2001. Artists from the south west portraying artists, writers and makers in the south west. Sir Terry kindly agreed to sit for a portrait for us. My friend, the artist, James Stewart and I met him at his home where the portrait research was done and he talked at length about his life before showing around his studio. A wonderful man who will be sorely missed.

  2. Thank you for the close-up picture of Terry Frost, it’s the most like him of any photo I’ve seen… dear Terry, he showed me the joy in painting (and living),
    and in his canvases I saw an inspiring energy of colour and line and a way of creating one’s own meaningful iconography…
    He had a wonderful laugh. -Liz Munro, student at Leeds College of Art (with Harry Thubron) 1955-1959)

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